Sentences with phrase «electrical field when»

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It would be possible and more consistent to assume that all «matter,» including electrical fields, has a protopsychical nature, but can only become experienced when it is integrated in certain complicated physico - chemical systems and pertains to a stream of consciousness (cf. Part 6).
I educated my sons about the dangers of playing sports during an electrical storm when they were four years old and a 13 - year old neighbor in Virginia was struck by lightning and killed because he did not leave the baseball field soon enough during a thunderstorm.
On Earth, the brightest auroras (the high - altitude glows often called the northern and southern lights) are generated when electrons in outer space near Earth are accelerated by large electrical potentials, or voltages, along the lines in our planet's magnetic field and slam into gas molecules in the upper atmosphere above polar regions.
When it tunnels, it effectively disappears, causing that electrical field to wobble like a plucked string, Turin explains.
It was Michael Faraday who discovered what happens when a magnetic field moves through an electrical conductor, or vice versa — though he certainly didn't have the ionized gas of an accretion disk in mind.
«Just as in regular electric generators, when moving magnetic fields cross long electrical conductors, electric currents will be generated.
Adding to our discussion of the many uses of the term «feedback» (24/31 December 2011), he says its purpose is to remind those working on the lines «that disconnecting a community's set of electrical appliances opens one to experiencing the full effects of collapsing fields» — that is, to voltages generated on the apparently disconnected wire when devices...
It is not clear how the lights are produced, but Friedmann Freund of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, thinks that when rocks in the crust are squeezed, chemical bonds break to produce a pulse of electrical charge that travels up to the surface.
When an electrical field with the opposite polarity is applied, the dipoles again switch direction.
When engineers flip a switch in 2007, a 12,000 - ampere pulse of electrical power will slam down huge coils of electromagnets, creating fields 100,000 times more powerful than Earth's.
When a metal is in the presence of alternating magnetic fields (AMFs), electrical currents are produced on the metal, which generate heat.
Beyond looking at the dynamics of creating the droplets and how ordered materials behave when the torus transforms into a sphere, Fernandez - Nieves and colleagues are also exploring potential biological applications, applying electrical fields to the droplets, and sharing the unique structures with scientists at other institutions.
When overlaid on the hot contours of enhanced electrical fields, these create strikingly beautiful images.
When that happens «hot spots» of strongly enhanced electrical fields can emerge.
The idea stems from the fact that, when a plane flies through an ambient electric field, its external electrical state, normally in balance, shifts.
These perovskites display what is called colossal magnetoresistance: their electrical resistance changes dramatically when exposed to a magnetic field, which makes them ideal for high - capacity data storage.
«When electrical currents are created in such a system of flows, they can cause a magnetic field which in turn increases the electrical current and so forth — and finally the magnetic field becomes so strong that we can measure it on the surface of Earth,» says Alessandro Toschi.
Lightning results from the electrical fields that are created when ice particles in clouds rub together.
When a nanowire made from a semiconductor is connected to a superconductive material, researchers see a so - called zero - bias peak in the case of certain magnetic fields and electrical charge.
When they reach the earth, some 40 hours after leaving the sun, they follow the lines of magnetic force generated by the earth's core and flow through the magnetosphere, a teardrop - shaped area of highly charged electrical and magnetic fields.
In cancer, it's called electrochemical therapy, electrochemotherapy — when you combine the use of a cancer drug, that you usually inject into the bloodstream, or you inject it directly into a tumor artery, and then you expose the body to this electrical field.
They are encased in energy fields which are barely visible but reveal themselves when they pass anything electrical — like a car or a streetlamp — which reacts to their presence.
When your finger — an electrical conductor — touches the screen, the change in the electrostatic field is used to calculate the location of the touch.
When you need to quickly shift between the two of them though in order to dodge electrical fields, or other various objects, there is a slight delay as the game seems to be catching up to what you're doing.
After stumbling upon the interference of electromagnetic fields by chance in 1978, she began her most accomplished work using this phenomenon in 2004, when she produced the first in an ongoing series titled Electrical Walks.
We know that the former President of the Liberal party was awarded a contract worth millions to supply wind turbines when in fact, he had no experience in the electrical field, we also know that Wynne's brother in law was put in charge of e-health, knowing that he owns companies that construct wind turbines.
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