Sentences with phrase «electrical generation capacity»

Rather that replace these dirty sources of energy with expensive, unpopular, polluting electrical generation capacity, perhaps we will begin to turn to solar powered generation capacity.
China is adding enormous amounts of electrical generation capacity to its grid, and mostly from coal.
It means paying a lot of money for very expensive electrical generation capacity, and then being able to reliably use only a fraction of it — while you also pay to build and run a whole redundant conventional power system as a backup.
By co-incidence, at typical Atlantic hurricane generates wind energy at a rate comparable to global electrical generation capacity.
As of January 2000, Australia had an electrical generation capacity of 43 million kilowatts (or gigawatts).
The Makani turbine could also be deployed in deep offshore waters, which could lead to access to a renewable energy resource four times greater than the entire country's electrical generation capacity.
Much of our electrical generation capacity is actually beginning to age.
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