Sentences with phrase «electrical potential»

This approach requires the application of an external electrical potential to generate hydrogen.
A major challenge in tapping such electrical potential is that the voltage created is tiny — a fraction of that generated by a standard AA battery.
Usually, the EEG traces which capture differences in electrical potential due to activity of neurons have a relatively low voltage.
It is still a magnetic field that is responsible for the fact that the polarisation is rotated, however, it is no longer the strength of the magnetic field that determines the strength of the effect, but the amount of electrons involved in the process, and this amount can be regulated simply by electrical potential.
One important complication here is that other body organs such as the heart also generate electrical potentials that spread through the body and summate with the potentials from the brain.
According to biophysical theory the brain waves that are picked up by ordinary electroencephalographic (EEC) recording techniques are superimposed electrical potentials produced by large populations of neurons.
Svensmark's ideas are on the right track on this, so a reduction in solar input means an increase in electrical potential between the earth and its space environment, which results in the development of more plasma double layers in the earth's atmosphere and formation of clouds as a consequence.
Moore and his colleagues are now investigating semiconductors that cover a broader range of the solar spectrum, and catalysts that operate faster at lower electrical potentials.
On Earth, the brightest auroras (the high - altitude glows often called the northern and southern lights) are generated when electrons in outer space near Earth are accelerated by large electrical potentials, or voltages, along the lines in our planet's magnetic field and slam into gas molecules in the upper atmosphere above polar regions.
They found that when a negative electrical potential is applied to skin on various parts of the arm, creating a current, that stretch of skin exhibits a low resistance to a subsequent current flowing through the skin.
Calculated differential electrical potential induced by a supramolecular lattice of MBB - 2 on graphene.
An algorithm developed by scientists from the Department of Biological Psychology and Neuroergonomics at the Berlin Institute of Technology allows the program to decipher electrical potentials and convert them into useful control commands.
Traces of oxygen and extreme electrical potentials cause deactivation processes.
This sensor can measure muscle activity by detecting muscle electrical potentials over an area of 4x4 square centimeters with nine electrodes placed 2 centimeters apart in a 3x3 grid.
«One of the necessary conditions for a battery to be rechargeable is that the underlying chemical changes that occur during an electrical discharge from the cell must be efficiently reversed when an opposite electrical potential is applied across the cell.
Their chemical gardens at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California, have already confirmed that hydrothermal vents can provide that all - important proton gradient, measured as electrical potential between the inside and outside of a chimney.
Somatosensation — which includes our ability to sense touch, temperature and pain — transduces physical stimuli, such as fuzzy velvet or scalding water, into electrical potentials that can be processed by the brain.
The electroretinogram (ERG) represents a summation of electrical potentials originating from the rod and cone photoreceptors and is necessary for definitively ruling in or ruling out SARD.
But it takes energy to generate electrical potentials, and, according to biophysics, this energy can come only from cellular metabolism.
The point is to take advantage of neurofeedback — a training tool based on electroencephalography (EEG), the measurement of changes in electrical potential that accompany any brain activity.
In contrast to the Brewer - Milford type of electrochemical ozone sensors (see below), the ECC does not require an external electrical potential.
Electrical potentials are generated throughout the brain.
In a healthy eye, there is an electrical potential across the thickness of the cornea.
In the late 1960s, Katz determined that the amount of acetylcholine in a vesicle was related to the electrical potential at the terminal of an axon — the long extension of a neuron that transmits the impulse.
In the presence of ATP, the system pumped ions across the membrane, producing an electrical potential harvested by the IC.
The electrical potential is periodically modulated, with negative values in the region below the molecular heads.
Investigators can use SICM to pick a specific point on the cell membrane, then attach the patch clamp there to measure the membrane's electrical potential.
As the tether moves through the Earth's magnetic field, an electrical potential of several thousand volts will be generated.
Alessandro Volta (1745 — 1827) The namesake behind today's volts, which measure differences in electrical potential, Italian physicist and experimentalist Volta discovered methane, used his tongue to detect electricity and invented the first electric battery.
The rotation of the beam of light (and thus the electrical potential applied) therefore determines whether a light signal is sent or blocked.
Now, the turning of terahertz radiation simply by the application of an electrical potential of less than one volt has been achieved.
Feedback has poked gentle fun at reports describing area in terms of football pitches or Wales, lengths as multiples of a London bus, and so on, but now you're doing it in the story on tapping the electrical potential of ear cells (17 November, p 18).
Recently, the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies agreed to collaborate with Valladolid, Spain — based engineering company, PROINGESA, to design a capacitive de-ionization process that applies an electrical potential to raw water to attract dissolved salt ions toward oppositely charged electrodes, where they are adsorbed and later removed.
Along the channel is an electrical potential that repels charged particles.
Working with frog embryos the researchers first used dyes to see the patterns of electrical potentials that precede brain development.
Deeper study, as detailed in their paper in The Journal of Neuroscience on March 10, revealed that even the patterns of electrical potential in cells far from the neural tube were crucial to normal growth.
A multiferroic can be switched on or off by applying alternating voltage — the difference in electrical potential.
When tapped against a cell, it sends back information regarding the cell's mechanical properties, such as thickness, elasticity, viscosity and electrical potential.
In previous work Tufts University developmental biologist Michael Levin found that patterns of electrical potentials in the earliest stages of an embryo's development can direct how an animal's body grows, and that manipulating those potentials can cause a creature to sprout extra limbs, tails or functioning eyes.
Researchers at Tufts University and the University of Minnesota have investigated how the difference in charge on either side of a resting cell's membrane — its electrical potential — helps build the brain.
These input signals change the electrical potential across the neuron's membrane — some increase it, others decrease it.
«We have to determine the right operating conditions: flow rate, concentration of electrolyte, electrical potential,» says De Luna.
Pyroelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate an electrical potential when they are heated or cooled.
As a result of this change in temperature, positive and negative charges move to opposite ends through migration (i.e. the material becomes polarised) and hence, an electrical potential is established.
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