Sentences with phrase «electricity flowing into»

Without electricity flowing into the drivers, a speaker is just a box with some weird paper and metal bits in it.
We have far more electricity flowing into our grids from installed wind turbines and solar panels than we use in a year to manufacturer and install wind turbines and solar panels.
With just a little electricity flowing into his lower spinal cord, Summers» leg muscles knew exactly how to get to work — without any input from the brain.

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Since electricity generated from solar and wind flows into the grid, Google simply has to invest in enough turbines and solar panels to cover its total energy consumption to make good on its goal.
Renewable sources — such as rooftop solar panels, which sometimes generate more power than a household uses — required a decentralized system in which electricity flows in both directions, from many small generators into the grid, and from the grid to consumers.
Researchers at Harvard, for example, are perfecting an organic flow battery that can store a full day's production of electricity from solar or wind farms, a development that could play a key role in integrating variable electrical generating sources into the grid.
As the snake, which is moored by the nose to let it turn into the waves, undulates with the sea movement, so the pistons operate and the electricity flows.
Nor does a boom in Chinese turbine installations necessarily translate into a proportionate gain in electricity flowing to China's grid.
When a lithium - ion battery supplies electricity, lithium ions flow into empty sites in the atomic lattice.
When those metals come into contact with sweat, saline or even fluid discharges from wounds, silver acts as the positive electrode and zinc serves as the negative electrode — and electricity flows between them.
As photons of light pass into the semiconductor regions of the solar cells, they knock off electrons from the atoms, allowing electricity to flow freely, creating a current.
Instead of dying like a normal person, he mutates into Electro becoming a human energy source with enough electricity flowing through his body to take out all of Times Square.
It's actually quite remarkable what's happening: Hydrogen and air flow into a fuel cell, which converts the gasses into electricity and heat.
Electricity seems to flow once you get started into these types of games.
Lewitt took out the Swiss Institute's fluorescent lights and rewired the electricity to flow into the heaters instead.
Where electricity prices are sufficiently high, investment has generally flowed into the electricity market.
The plan is expected to triple the flow of Canadian electricity into Midwestern and northeastern border states, part of a broader U.S. effort to comply with the international climate obligations that 196 countries agreed to in Paris.
Similarly, low - cost power from Texas could flow across the border to Mexico, and renewable resources along the Baja, Mexico — California border could bring more carbon - free electricity into the Southwest.
Following on the heels of NAFTA entering into force, a large two - year study by the University of Texas in 1996 examined the goal of facilitating the free flow of cross-border trade in natural gas and electricity.
As demand increases, the water is allowed to flow downhill into the lower reservoir, generating electricity in the process.
Electrical Burns: This includes thermal burns, electrical explosions, and burns caused by the flow of electricity into the body.
Interestingly, Honda also showed a concept last year, for something called a «Honda power manager» - this device, a kind of fully connected and integrated charger - would potentially integrate into your smart home and allow vehicle - to - grid power flow, which electricity companies and power grids have great interest in, as if they can occasionally use your car to balance the grid demand, it could negate the need to build new power stations to meet the extra demand electric cars have the potential to create.
The second way is to place your device onto a Qi wireless charging pad or stand and simply let the electricity flow from the stand into your device.
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