Sentences with phrase «electricity system through»

In its Reforming the Energy Vision proceeding, the New York Public Service Commission has undertaken an ambitious initiative to improve the New York electricity system through better incorporation of distributed energy resources (DERs): distributed generation, distributed storage, energy efficiency, and demand response.
Again, this goes back to the original spirit of the FIT program: to actively engage the population in the operation of our electricity system through direct participation.

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The order gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the authority to repeal and replace the Clean Power Plan, the set of rules that established goals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil - fueled electricity plants through a national trading system.
They include technical issues, such as failure to ground the tank of flammable gases or to wear gloves to prevent discharge of static electricity from the researcher to the tank, and organizational flaws, such as failure to «ensure that [the university's] safety practices were followed by employees and underscored through training, positive reinforcement and a clearly defined and communicated disciplinary system,» and the failure of «supervisors [to] understand their responsibilities under the safety and health program.»
To salvage some of that energy, the team added a regenerative braking system: when the driver's foot is removed from the accelerator, the electrical connections are reconfigured so that instead of electricity going from the batteries to turn the motor, the motor generates electricity that flows back through the inverter to recharge the batteries.
Through Catalyst, communities of innovators use software, data, algorithms, and automation to drive down non-hardware solar soft costs — like permitting, financing, and customer acquisition — that today make up more than half of the cost of a solar electricity system.
Researchers have long looked for simple systems to combine protons and electrons to form H2, a carbon - free fuel that can be burned directly to power cars or run through a fuel cell to generate electricity.
Even if a device with superconducting wires were shielded from magnets, any electricity flowing through the system would generate an unwanted magnetic field.
The third facility studied was the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in Bernardino County, Calif., where birds can be burned as they pass through concentrated sunrays that are reflected off thousands of mirrors toward a solar power tower, where water is boiled to produce electricity - generating steam.
A recently published study estimates that up to 70 percent of the United States» electricity needs could be met through a newly devised system that harvests power from evaporation.
Some additional software development would be required to integrate H2A with broader system models such as PLEXOS, or to develop specific user interfaces for the HydroGEN program, such as those developed for finance and electricity production audiences through H2FAST and SAM.
This water is necessary to keep balance of fluids in your cells and to keep the electricity through your system which actually makes your heart beat.
While the creative electricity is obviously flowing through the filmmaker's system with 2012, Emmerich's notoriously questionable taste is on vivid display throughout this gaudy epic, emphasizing a director who's lost his youthful wonder, replacing nimble silver screen spectacle with severe punishment.
The school pays nothing upfront and buys the electricity generated by the system from the investment company more cheaply than grid electricity through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Year 4 Science Assessments Objectives covered: Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways Explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases Identify common appliances that run on electricity Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit Recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors
This Toyota system uses a special electromagnetic coil set into the ground that is able to transmit electricity through magnetic resonance.
A brake light will become illuminated through the use of a vehicles braking system where a switch indicating the use of a brake pedal is actuated to allow the flow of electricity to lights in order to forewarn motorists to the rear of the vehicle that...
[15] The Delhi Metro reduced the amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) released into the atmosphere by around 90,000 tons by regenerating 112,500 megawatt hours of electricity through the use of regenerative braking systems between 2004 and 2007.
When driving at medium - to low - speeds, the Mitsubishi Plug - in Hybrid EV System stays in EV Mode, driving the vehicle through its electric motors using electricity from the drive battery.
Over the course of the past fifteen years, David Altmejd has been working through questions about the relationship between the human body and larger energy systems of physics, electricity and biology.
These allow the integration of a range of options, including coupling with the electricity sector through heat pumps and power to heat, using the generation from variable renewable power sources at times of low demand to heat water for the district heating system.
The report outlines how interconnection policies influence electricity markets and renewable energy development through regulation of transmission access and ratemaking, dispatch procedures, technology requirements, system planning, and interconnection procedures.
SONY Sony is instrumental in prompting an increase in a wider range of renewable electricity use by numerous leading Japanese companies through its Green Power Certification System, making it a renewable energy leader.
And finally, the demand for natural gas, and for the pipelines themselves, may simply not be there; Americans are using less electricity, and generating more of it themselves through rooftop solar systems.
Dublin - based solar power expert Warik Energy has advised anyone with a solar PV array or wind turbine that they can make significant cash savings through the installation of a smart energy storage system, ensuring 100 % of the electricity they produce is used on - site rather than exported to the grid.
Includes provisions: (1) creating a combined energy efficiency and renewable electricity standard and requiring retail electricity suppliers to meet 20 % of their demand through renewable electricity and electricity savings by 2020; (2) setting a goal of, and requiring a strategic plan for, improving overall U.S. energy productivity by at least 2.5 % per year by 2012 and maintaining that improvement rate through 2030; and (3) establishing a cap - and - trade system for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and setting goals for reducing such emissions from covered sources by 83 % of 2005 levels by 2050.
«The $ 2.2 Billion Bird - Scorching Solar Project at California's Ivanpah Plant, Mirrors Produce Heat and Electricity — And Kill Wildlife --»... the BrightSource system appears to be scorching birds that fly through the intense heat surrounding the towers, which can reach 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.»»
«Every time that an environmental regulation has been put forward, polluters say: «massive job losses, lights going off, electricity system crashing, bills going through the roof,»» Podesta said.
This result comes on the back of improved electricity access through solar home systems, which now power tens of millions of households, states the report.
It presents evidence of the impact of solar household systems, reviews the market in the region and 13 selected countries (listed in Table 1 below), and identifies the key policy measures to enable accelerated access to electricity through solar household solutions.
this system will heat water up to 35ºC and will be used to generate electricity through ultra-low temperature power generation.
The ambitious vision — to be supplying a third of Britain's electricity needs by 2030, through delivering 30GW of installed capacity — will bring # 48bn of investment in clean - energy infrastructure for the UK, 27,000 skilled jobs and a reduction in total electricity system costs of # 2.4 bn.
Through SkyPower Cares, we gift portable home solar systems and lights to families around the world without sufficient access to electricity.
Through the agreement, Bullfrog Power's generators put renewable electricity and green natural gas onto the respective energy systems to match the amounts used at the 2013 RBC Canadian Open.
Through the installation of gas collection and control systems, these projects result in the destruction of powerful greenhouse gases, and the gas can be burned in a generator to create renewable electricity.
Over the longer - term, Japan could increase energy security, and better insulate itself from economic and geologic shocks to its energy system through more aggressively developing its internal renewable energy resources while deepening electricity market and natural gas interconnections with China, South Korea and even Russia.
For a company that owns the T&D system and also produces the electricity that runs through it, T&D losses should be included in Scope 1 emissions.
Through demand response, consumers reduce their electricity use in response to system needs and prices, providing a highly flexible resource.
Through the creation of five to six new rural branches, called ILUCentros, and a micro-loan program that enables users to pay for their solar home systems in small installments over 12 months, plus government subsidies for a portion of the households, Ilumexico will enable households without electricity access to finance their solar equipment.
With companies such as Google, AkzoNobel, DSM and Philips signing a joint PPA, or H&M providing top - finance for new projects through their renewable energy certificates, they are transforming Europe's electricity system and adding renewable capacity to the grid.
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has successfully extended rapid trading of electricity with other grid operators through the Energy Imbalance Market, which facilitates the integration of more renewable energy.
Quite a bit of the energy put in is recoverable as hot charcoal can be passed through a heat exchanging system to get staem for electricity.
Either way, if the company's claims hold true, this product — and others like it — could prove an affordable way for a homeowner or business to generate some of their own electricity either off - grid or through a grid - tie system.
Potential Impacts of the South Coast Air Quality Management District Air Credit Limitations and Once - Through Cooling Mitigation On Southern California's Electricity System.
Potential Impacts of The South Coast Air Quality Management District Air Credit Limitations and Once - Through Cooling Mitigation on Southern California's Electricity System, Staff Draft Paper, publication # CEC -200-2009-002-SD.
The Iowa utility wouldn't be able to accomplish these goals without the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, a 15 - state power market through which MidAmerican and other utilities and power producers buy and sell electricity.
A utility - scale project is that which is capable of producing 20 or more megawatts of electricity for distribution to customers through the electricity transmission grid system.
Currently, the polymer film system only generates about 5.6 nanowatts, which isn't enough to power most devices, but it could be used to drive these nano - and microelectronic devices through the use of capacitors to store the generated electricity.
Through regional co-operation, the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon - neutral energy system by 2050, while contributing to European decarbonisation through the export of clean electThrough regional co-operation, the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon - neutral energy system by 2050, while contributing to European decarbonisation through the export of clean electthrough the export of clean electricity.
There is much interest in «smart demand» system, e.g. time - shifting electricity use by incentivising customers to run their energy consumption appliances off - peak, through time - of - use tariffs delivered through smart meters.
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