Sentences with phrase «electrocution occurs»

Most often, electrocution occurs when a worker comes into contact with a power line, or through improper use of electrical equipment, such as extension cords.
Premises liability electrocution occurs when you're electrocuted on someone else's property, at a commercial business, or even on a street in your own neighborhood as a result of the property owner's negligence.

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It only takes a moment when your back is turned for damage to occur that could lead to expensive repairs or potential risk of electrocution.
Chemical burns can occur during the welding process, and electrocution hazards are prevelent when working with exposed wiring, power lines, and unfinished electrical systems.
A burn injury may occur due to any type of auto accident, or may result from electrocution, hot water, exposure to chemicals or because of an explosion.
The other general type of electrocution injury occurs while you're on the job.
If the leaking has occurred near any electrical wiring, turn off your electricity at the breaker to avoid electrocution.
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