Sentences with phrase «electromagnetic energy without»

Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.
«New theory leads to «radiationless revolution»: Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.»
The device's ability to absorb electromagnetic energy without heating up has direct applications in imaging, sensing and lighting.

Not exact matches

AGWSF's basic fictional meme here is «all electromagnetic energy from the Sun is the same and all create heat on being absorbed» — this is the meme you are repeating in your «Without sunlight adding energy which converted into heat».
Carbon dioxide and nitrogen and oxygen have been reduced to a non-existant entity, a concept of a gas with no properties and processes, as they've done with «all electromagnetic energy is the same and all create heat on being absorbed», making them ideal gases without properties and processes in the Greenhouse Effect — they have actually become hard dots of nothing without volume travelling at great speeds under their own molecular momentum bouncing off each other in elastic collisions, as the description of the imaginary ideal gas in a container of real world physics textbooks.
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