Sentences with phrase «electromagnetic forces as»

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His analysis of the idea of molecular structure from «first principles» shows that if one starts from a description of the molecule as an isolated, dynamical system consisting of the number of electrons and nuclei implied by the stoichiometric formula that interact via electromagnetic forces, one can not even calculate the most important parameters in chemistry, namely, those that describe the molecular structure.8
As another example, if the relationship between the strengths of the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force were not close to what it is, then the cosmos would not harbor any stars that explode and spew out life - supporting chemical elements into space or any other stars that form planets.
Consider that electromagnetics constitute only one of the four fundamental forces as currently understood.
Popper (1972) points out that, though we still believe in the repulsive forces as being electromagnetic and still hold Bohr's theory of the periodic system of elements in a modified form, everything else in this beautiful reduction of the universe to an electromagnetic universe with two particles of stable building blocks has by now disintegrated.
This common understanding of the status of space and time structure is reflected in similar treatments by Newton of gravitational forces and by Whitehead of what he terms «impetus» (a concept having gravitational and electromagnetic significance); both treat these as real physical phenomena against a framework of a uniform and independent space and time structure.
In the presence of gravity, electric charge — a barometer of the strength of the electromagnetic force — tends to go to zero as energies rise (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature09506).
In the 1970s, physicists put all the known particles (including a few whose existence had not yet been confirmed, like the Higgs boson) and the forces that govern their interactions — the electromagnetic, weak and strong — into a single theoretical framework known as the Standard Model.
In fact, at the time of Maxwell's death, his theory of electromagnetic fields was not yet widely accepted or even well known; experts still argued about whether electricity and magnetism propagated their effects via «action at a distance,» as gravity (supposedly) did, or by Michael Faraday's «lines of force» (incorporated by Maxwell into his fields).
«During regeneration, development, and cancer suppression, body patterning is subject to the influence of physical forces, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, and other biophysical factors.
Both strong and weak electromagnetic forces are understood using renormalisable quantum field theories based on QED as a prototype.
But as the size, and therefore charge, of the nucleus increases, the electromagnetic force takes on a larger role and, at a certain point, flips the directional preference for neutron production.
Your aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds you and acts as a container for your life force energy and protects you from negativity and illness.
The electromagnetic force is a force of infinite range which obeys the inverse square law, and is of the same form as the gravity force
As Director of the U.S. Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Dr. Peter Pry warns an electromagnetic pulse could fry the grid.
The propagating electromagnetic wave from the earths surface is now absorbed by the molecule which in turn adopts kinetic and thereby electromagnetic properties as the state of rest is now disrupted and its components vibrate, sending out electromagnetic waves as it struggles to balance its competing internal forces.
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