Sentences with phrase «electron pairs»

In the neutrinos» case, Cohen and Glashow calculate that the wake would mostly consist of electrons paired with their antimatter twins, positrons.
So figuring out what is keeping electron pairs together at nearly 40 K in MgB2 has become the latest contest in the most competitive area of materials physics.
The effect appeared in a variety of transparent materials, says Jorio, and it was observed at room temperature, unlike electron pairing in superconductors.
That extraordinary hardness arises from a strong and inflexible structure: Five atoms form a tetrahedron and share electron pairs with each other.
* 5) Superconducting gap An energy cost to create a superconducting electron pair (Cooper pair).
The team has succeeded in producing a stream of entangled electron pairs and splitting them in this manner.
Usually they repel each other, but at the low temperatures seen in superconductors electrons pair up and move around as units.
But until now, physicists have struggled to extract the entangled electron pairs from the superconductor then split them apart, Schönenberger explains.
At the annual meeting of the American Physical Society and in the 12 March issue of Physical Review Letters, Kociak and his colleagues at the French national research agency CNRS and the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka showed that empty nanotubes can also carry electron pairs between nonsuperconducting electrodes (in this case, metal pads made from a sandwich of aluminum oxide, platinum, and gold).
This chummy behavior resembles how electrons pair up in materials that conduct current without resistance, known as superconductors, researchers report in a paper accepted in Physical Review Letters.
PHOTON PAIRS Laser light in water (shown) exhibits an unexpected quirk: Light particles interact with their companions in the same way electrons pair up in superconductors.
After discovering the anomalous superconducting transition, researchers made measurements that gave them insight into the underlying electron pairing.
In this theory, a Lewis acid is any chemical species that attracts free electron pairs.
Elementary chemistry distinguishes two kinds of strong bonds between atoms in molecules: the covalent bond, where bonding arises from valence electron pairs shared between neighboring atoms, and the ionic bond, where transfer of electrons from one atom to another leads to Coulombic attraction between the resulting ions.
The results confirmed that it was the superconductivity in the tubes that was driving electron pairs together.
A few years ago, researchers from the University of Cambridge showed that it was possible to create electron pairs in which the spins are aligned: up - up or down - down.
Normally electrons pair up and cancel out each other's magnetism, but Hicks says the organic molecules used in the experiment were selected because they can tolerate extra electrons.
This boosts the energy level of electron pairs on the island, causing them to break their superconducting bond to one another and hop to a nearby probe, which then channels them to a detector.
They designed a set of tiny superconducting electrical components that enabled single electron pairs to jump between a tiny bar - shaped metal island and a nearby metal reservoir.
The research published in Science provides the first direct proof that such «orbital - selective» electron pairing takes place.
Scientists still don't know what holds electron pairs together so they can effortlessly carry current in high - temperature superconductors.
UNSW researchers show that it involves the splitting of electron pairs.
Applying a brief voltage pulse to a control electrode allows the superconducting electron pairs to oscillate back and forth between the two locations, representing the one and zero of a digital system.
«Electron orbitals may hold key to unifying concept of high - temperature superconductivity: First experimental evidence of «orbital - selective» electron pairing in an iron - based high - temperature superconductor.»
How far it goes in depends on the nature of the electron pairing, and changes as the material is cooled down further and further.
By contrast, when graphene was coupled to superconducting PCCO in the Cambridge - led experiment, the results suggested that the electron pairs within graphene were in a p - wave state.
In the paper, Glashow and Cohen point out that if neutrinos can travel faster than light, then when they do so they should sometimes radiate an electron paired with its antimatter equivalent — a positron — through a process called Cerenkov radiation, which is analogous to a sonic boom.
P - wave superconductivity has not been unambiguously seen yet since the anatomy of the electron pairs is difficult to establish.
As it turned out, with the help of a new dark force, interacting particles could trade in some of their kinetic energy to produce a positron — electron pair, a proposal put forth by Finkbeiner and study co-author Neal Weiner, an N.Y.U. physicist, last year.
Until a critical current is reached, a supercurrent can flow across the barrier; electron pairs can tunnel across the barrier without any resistance.
But in the new technique, the energy of the electron pairs decreases as the excitation hops from molecule to molecule, so Forrest and colleagues end up with lower energy red light.
Thus, like the bouncing tennis ball attached to the measuring device, the combination of equal but opposite spins makes the electron pair impervious to magnetic noise.
But because the electron pairs were not affected by external magnetic noise, the interactions between them could be measured with great precision.
After making this discovery, the researchers then looked a little closer into the material's electron pairing.
First experimental evidence of «orbital - selective» electron pairing in an iron - based high - temperature superconductor.
A team of scientists has found evidence for a new type of electron pairing that may broaden the search for new high - temperature superconductors.
Exciton Science researchers show that it involves the splitting of electron pairs.
In this case, the Chloride received the electron pair, and the Sodium lost it.
The other thing that can happen is that the electron pair is split.
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