Sentences with phrase «electronic scanning software»

Not exact matches

Spare parts management: software for the creation of spare parts catalogue, sales catalogue, electronic parts catalogs and spare parts, consultation over Airbus reveals «drone killer» camera system that can automatically detect and disable UAVs Cameras and sensors can scan large areas; Signals can be
Using electronic graphic organizer software and a projector or scan converter can be a highly effective strategy for gathering, sorting and sharing information during the life of an investigation.
OCR switched all of its exam marking over to electronic formats last year, with papers scanned, viewed and marked on screen using dedicated software.
LAW PreDiscovery ® eDiscovery imaging and electronic processing software offers litigation teams the power to filter and cull non-responsive eDiscovery and scanned documents before review, eliminating unnecessary litigation costs and reducing time.
SCANNABILITY — Busy companies often use scanning software or Electronic Applicant Tracking Systems (EATS) such as Resumix or ResTrac to wade through their candidate pool.
They will also have applicant tracking systems, and use specialist software to «read» scan and store resumes into computerised databases and electronic files.
The particular format with which you transmit your electronic resume will be dictated by the method of transmission (email, for example, vs posting to a job board or corporate website) as well as the intended target (human eyes vs computer software which will be scanning for keywords).
In large corporations and high - profile organizations, human resources departments often use high - tech, keyword - search software programs to scan electronic resume submissions for specific skill sets.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE King Medical Supply, Torrance • CA 2008 — Present Controller Serve as Controller and lead implementation team for Brightree (integrated medical software) and Web Scan (electronic patient information filing system).
We utilize state of the art technologies in our offices, such as sophisticated HOA management software; automatic banking and check scanning ability, huge resources to bodies of law and to construction, accounting, taxation, fire alarm systems, HOA management, etc., topics in the forms of books, manuals, magazines, and electronic subscriptions.
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