Sentences with phrase «electrons spinning inside»

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Quantum computers work by isolating spinning electrons inside a new type of semiconductor material.
Magnets are a good example of this: the electrons in magnets align themselves in a preferred direction of spin inside the material, and it is this that produces the magnetic field.
The scientists first mapped out the spin directions and densities of electrons inside the Earth.
Inside its three - story metal sphere researchers can interpret and interact with their data in new and intriguing ways, including watching electrons spin from inside an atom or «flying» through an MRI scan of a patient's brain as blood density levels play as Inside its three - story metal sphere researchers can interpret and interact with their data in new and intriguing ways, including watching electrons spin from inside an atom or «flying» through an MRI scan of a patient's brain as blood density levels play as inside an atom or «flying» through an MRI scan of a patient's brain as blood density levels play as music.
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