Sentences with phrase «elegant explanation»

Before we had YouTube videos and podcasts from Bitcoin luminaries such as Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Stefan Molyneux it was hard to come by elegant explanations of the Bitcoin protocol.
When handling patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret matters, first - chair litigator Scott Oliver blends creative legal strategies with elegant explanations of technology.
We get in trouble when we become too seduced by the elegant explanation.
If afterlife even exist, this must take into consideration all life forms, and discard by an elegant explanation why (maybe they also) the non-living things does not take part of it.
Of course, special creation could fit this data, but only in an ad hoc way, whereas evolution provided an elegant explanation of the patterns.
For one thing, it offers an elegant explanation for how we can store so many images of faces in our heads.
A simple and elegant explanation that does not require any external intervention.
OVER THE COURSE OF SEVERAL YEARS, the 2014 Kavli Prize Laureates in Astrophysics — Alan Guth, Andrei Linde and Alexei Starobinsky — led the development of a strikingly simple and elegant explanation.
It was an elegant explanation, Westendorf said — one he wanted to share with other teachers who might be struggling to explain the same notion to their students.
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