Sentences with phrase «element href»

Not exact matches

The darker element makes it perfect for the current season x — < a href = «
To accomplish this, (1) the Navigation Document [ContentDocs301] must include a nav element which has the epub: type attribute value of index - term - categories, and which contains a complete list of relevant index terms; and (2) the cross-reference in the index must have an epub: type attribute value index - term - category and an href attribute value pointing to that list.
' The relative IRI reference provided in the href attribute of the a element must resolve to an EPUB Content Document or fragment therein.
I suggested that inactive links could not be accommodated, which is only kind of true, and only to the extent that it's unclear what removing href attributes from a elements will do to reading systems.
Resources retrieved by scripts may be located outside the EPUB Container, but the [HTML] and [SVG] script elements must not reference Remote Resources to ensure availability at runtime (i.e., from their src or href attributes, respectively).
Common hyperlinking mechanisms include the href attribute of the [HTML] a and area elements and scripted links (e.g., using DOM Events and / or form elements).
Each item element in the manifest identifies a Publication Resource by the IRI [RFC3987] provided in its href attribute.
If the epub: rendition attribute is used to specify the target Rendition, any fragment identifier scheme may be used within the URI value of the href attribute of a elements (e.g., unique identifier, or W3C Media Fragment).
Each a element must specify which Rendition it refers to either 1) by including an Intra-Publication CFI [EPUBCFI] in its href attribute, or 2) by providing the relative path to the Package Document for the Rendition as the value of an epub: rendition attribute.
The metadata element may contain zero or more link elements, each of which identifies the location of a linked resource in its required href attribute
When no href attribute is present, the match element represents search keys matching the entire dictionary entry or glossary term referenced by its search - key - group parent.
Within search - key - group or match elements, the IRI value of an href attribute is a relative IRI identifying a location within an EPUB Content Document, and is resolved against the base IRI of the Search Key Map Document.
If the Search Key Map Document is part of an EPUB Dictionary, the IRI provided in the href attribute must identify the element — carrying an implied or explicit dictentry epub: type property — that represents the related entry in the Content Document.
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