Sentences with phrase «element of ambiguity»

For couples who are not married, however, it's a lot more likely that there would be some unspoken element of ambiguity about their future together.
The phrase «subject to the jurisdiction thereof» has an element of ambiguity to it, given the various ways in which one might understand the notions of jurisdiction and subjection.
One effect of these new sculptures is to refer to ambiguous unknown structures, which look like fictional mechanical devices, or improvised tools, but retain an element of ambiguity as to their possible use value.
Prior to national independence, there is ethnic cooperation, which sometimes carries over into the postindependence period, but an added element of ambiguity generates a feeling of loyalty to one's own ethnic group rather than to.
An aspect of art, or good art, is that it contains an element of ambiguity, of interpretation.

Not exact matches

It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
Bonhoeffer believed the «historicity» of the Resurrection was in «the realm of ambiguity,» and that it was one of the «mythological» elements of Christianity that «must be interpreted in such a way as not to make religion a pre-condition of faith.»
But another and no less decisive element should not be missed, namely, that all Jehu's work is done in a situation of ambiguity and misunderstanding.
Second, because the anthropological account has a moral - political intention, the stories introduce us to human life in all its moral ambiguity; we are meant to learn which human elements cause what sorts of moral or political trouble and why.
[t] here is a «good ambiguity» in the phenomenon of expression, a spontaneity which accomplishes what appeared to be impossible when we observed only the separate elements, a spontaneity which gathers together the plurality of monads, the past and the present, nature and culture into a single whole.
He said, «We wish to state without ambiguity that the action of these elements is a ruse, lies from the pit of hell and a mere continuation of impunity of Senator Sheriff and his dissident backers within the party.
Above all else, he taps into the intangible elements of sexual attraction by bathing them in ambiguities.
Seemingly out of their elements, Cliff and Cydney make the classic mistake of befriending the wrong people, a thriller staple, but the filmmaker never goes on automatic pilot; he composes with soft focus photography to give a sense of ambiguity at key moments whenever both couples are within the same frame.
Yet the film remains true to McEwan's intellectual preoccupations with different kinds of love, and has lost none of the novel's most memorable elements: the plays on the ambiguity of the title, the arresting first scene, and the strange dynamics of the relationship between Joe and Jed.
Instead, the unreal elements of the game come from Harry's own experiences, lending it several shades of Silent Hill 2, while simultaneously raising issues of identity, moral ambiguity, and sexuality (some of which is dictated by your actions in - game - the game psychologically profiles you and changes accordingly, to some extent).
Take Shelter (d. Jeff Nichols) Much ink has been spilled about the closing moments of Jeff Nichols's sophomore effort, yet the real mark of his intelligence is not his ambiguity about the film's apocalyptic elements, but rather his restraint in framing them as personal matters of faith between a married couple who are about to weather any number of crises, not all of them earth - shattering.
I'm guessing what will happen is the movie will be taking away the Curse of Thorn and other overly supernatural elements that were established in later films, but leaving ambiguity over Michael Myers» strength and vulnerability.
A Forex trading system is just a set of rules, or parameters, that tell you how, without any ambiguity or any subjective elements, to trade stocks or currency.
In this early stage, Pape explored the degree to which she could introduce spatial ambiguity into the notion of painting by making elements of the work three - dimensional and experimenting with either hanging the work flat on the wall or setting it off against it in such a way that it appeared as a hybrid between painting and sculpture.
known for his synthesis of wit and formalism, reinventing the vocabulary of sculpture and turning it on its head, wurm works with the corporal silhouette in the same manner as a traditional sculptor, yet severely deconstructs and distorts each element of human likeness, mutating the body in unexpected and unconventional variations to further its ambiguity.
One consistent endeavor in all of my work is the organization and alignment of elements, both solids and voids, within a mathematical grid, creating continuity and an ambiguity between edge, line and space.
In re-framing overlooked but familiar visual phenomena, Ostoff seeks to heighten their perceptual ambiguity, to suggest suppressed elements of the uncanny, and in so doing, activate a kind of phenomenological intensity.
This element and its logic grow more relevant and recurrent during the period in which European surrealismchoosess the double as a manifestation of the merchandise / human objectification fetish pairing to put forth its critique of capitalism, even as it surrenders to this ambiguity of contemporary living.
Moving away from the recognizable images of architectural space, and by repositioning elements like a chair, a table, a curtain or a corner of a room, the paintings create ambiguity through using multiple viewpoints.
This ambiguity casts doubt in turn on the status of the street pavement photographs, and continues in the exhibition's final element, a slide installation entitled Monument shown in the lower gallery.
Departing from elements of landscapes like Berlin's construction sites or micro - and macroscopic pictures as a raw material, she rearranges those forms, structures, colors and fields in an image making process which arrives at abstract compositions of ambiguity and multiple meaning.
Deric Carner uses manipulated imagery and installation elements to explore the ambiguities and continued charge of the image in the digital era.
In Mel Bochner's 1966 review of the major exhibition Systemic Painting at the Guggenheim, he remarked that, «The ambiguity of Jo Baer's work is not created by its elements, but by its existence.
Call it irony, or ambiguity, or metaphor, or «spirit» (as in that which doesn't «kill» but «giveth life»), it's simply a core element of civilization for me, one that connects language to life and makes both possible, or at least, more bearable.
In Chapter 2 of this report, this separation of factual and legal elements of native title is described as a critical ambiguity in native title doctrine.
The interior and exterior of this wood and glass pavilion create a deliberate ambiguity, as elements are interwoven to create a series of interlocking spaces.
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