Sentences with phrase «element of suspense»

The IPL auction was conducted with much fanfare as usual with the added element of suspense in the backdrop of the board's problems.
Of course, what Key and Peele are trying to do is amplify their humor by playing with elements of suspense; what 10 Cloverfield Lane does is amplify its suspense by playing with humor and surreality.
FSE: Both Rivers and Desperation Road are literary novels, but also contain elements of suspense (and in the case of Rivers, perhaps even science fiction).
Giuseppe Tornatore, the overrated Italian director of «Cinema Paradiso,» almost makes a good movie out of this unusual story, which combines elements of suspense and mysticism before losing its bearings in a murky finale.
This is a powerfully connective ghost story that doubles as Assayas» most ambitious undertaking yet, blending elements of suspense, intrigue, intimacy, gore, and batshit crazy into the mundanity of daily existence.
A woman's fiction with strong elements of suspense and romance: Tattoos — what would work and what wouldn't.
Dead Space 3 takes the franchise's core elements of suspense, horror, action and sound and introduces them to all - new elements — including co-op play — that allows players to work together to take down the most ambitious Dead Space experience yet.»
The writers Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger weave together a story that contains elements of suspense and adventure, Po's struggles to actualize himself, and warm family elements with Po coming to realize he has two fathers and a role in his extended family of pandas.
This research would agree, showing that people prefer stories that follow a logical manner, and that elements of suspense are most effective when established early to keep people engaged.
Petit enlists his American accomplices and the element of suspense is restored while Petit and co employ «spywork» to figure out the inner workings of the massive construction site.
The fundamental problem, as with all time - twisting adventures, is that while earlier action introduces an element of suspense, it quickly wears off the third or fourth time Dastan is able to rewind the clock.
Woolley, for his part, has promised the new version will be «a dark and Gothic version» with «elements of suspense and terror» — all of which fits with the original novel, as far as I'm concerned — while I presume the period setting will be maintained.
Yet a handful of twists, garnered from some of the genre's best, bring an element of suspense to this otherwise typical teen horror film.
The shark attacks no longer have an element of suspense to them, now replaced by cheap attempts at shock and gore.
There's an element of suspense, but even that doesn't hold up once you've figured out the big twist — and believe me, you'll figure it out.
There's an element of suspense as to whether (and how much) Vincent will change — did you know what he would do, or did that emerge as you wrote?
He also testified against his mother's ex-boyfriend who is now out of jail, so there is an element of suspense that keeps you turning pages.
Jami mixes in «elements of suspense and women's fiction to create «Beach Reads with Bite.»
We now, nearly 100 years on, know that the Nineteenth Amendment did ultimately pass, but Weiss retains an element of suspense in her narrative.
Nearly 100 years later, we know that the Nineteenth Amendment did ultimately pass, but Weiss retains an element of suspense in her narrative.
With an element of suspense, satirical social commentary, and in - depth character portraits, Suzanne Berne's nuanced novel reveals the discontent concealed behind the manicured lawns and picket fences of darkest suburbia.
Goodbye lullaby certainly filled the bill, a la your analysis -LRB-... story - telling that takes on social issues... doesn't necessarily tie up every strand of plot in a pretty bow, and which may or may not include an element of suspense.)
For players who became fans of the series with the previous game, Persona 3, we retained gameplay basics that had proved successful, while adding an element of suspense.
Laboratory 1999/2013; © Lynne Cohen; Courtesy of Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto Since the 1970s, renowned Canadian artist Lynne Cohen has been photographing interior spaces — laboratories, offices, health spas, classrooms, shooting ranges — often wryly humorous, sometimes bleak, with an element of suspense and of uneasiness.
«Inherent in the process of printmaking is the element of suspense,» wrote Judith Stein in the exhibition's catalog.
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