Sentences with phrase «elements hydrogen and oxygen»

Water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid,...
Take the properties of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

Not exact matches

Elements and compounds below the surface could be used to create fuel, including water, which can be split into useful hydrogen and oxygen.
If humans were not designed by a higher authority, how can each individual's DNA be uniquely different among the human species, especially different than the other animals; how can the life sustaining elements be constantly available and exist in exact formulations: O, H, C etc. water is always 2 atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen; sugar, fats, grains, and any bio-chemical products can be broken down to their simplest forms of elements, but can be re-constructed with specific (not by chance) formula.
They require food such as hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements to sustain their life.
«One of the proposed scenarios,» comments Romano Corradi, director of the GTC and another of the authors «is the presence of a component in the gas which is different from that which we normally find, poor in hydrogen and rich in heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon.
Previously, researchers assumed that positively charged hydrogen could only create hydrogen bonds with negatively charged elements like oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen.
There are basically two types of lines, those produced by collisions between the atoms or ions and the electrons in the surrounding gas, which are called collision lines, and which are very bright for elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and neon, and lines which are produced when ions capture free electrons, which are called recombination lines, and which are bright only for those gases with the highest abundances in the interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium.
Other elements — typically oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen — frequently join that carbon spine, and the choice and arrangement of those atoms produces specific varieties of polymers.
Complex organic molecules, consisting of carbon bonded with other elements like oxygen and hydrogen, are common in the Milky Way, but it was uncertain whether they would be produced in certain dwarf galaxies like the neighboring Large Magellanic Cloud.
Proteins, similar to carbohydrates and lipids, are made up of such elements as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Compared with other key elements of life — such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon — molecular nitrogen is very stable.
Atoms of most elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, form tight chemical bonds by sharing electrons with their neighbours in order to give each atom a stable configuration of electrons.
The cloud consists of ionized gas, or plasma, and contains the elements hydrogen, helium, and oxygen, along with heavier elements that were generated during the blast itself.
As caterpillars grow, they take on a characteristic chemical signature of the environment, with hydrogen, oxygen and other elements fixed in tissues in varying amounts.
Two of chemistry's most commonplace elements, hydrogen and oxygen, have been combined to produce an unexpected new compound, hydrogen trioxide.
A massive star creates huge amounts of oxygen and neon during its life and then hurls them into space when it explodes, so both elements are common: Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium, and neon ranks fifth or oxygen and neon during its life and then hurls them into space when it explodes, so both elements are common: Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium, and neon ranks fifth or Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium, and neon ranks fifth or sixth.
His team put radio collars on the animals, injected them with water with heavy hydrogen and oxygen atoms so these elements could be traced, recorded the animals» behaviors, and collected their feces to check for how fast those atoms were used, an indicator of metabolic rate.
Stars are made mostly of hydrogen and helium, but they also contain trace amounts of other elements, such as carbon, oxygen, iron, and even more exotic substances.
With the icy planets in our solar system, «ice» refers to hydrogen molecules connected to lighter elements, such as carbon, oxygen and / or nitrogen.
He added that using solar cells and abundantly available elements to split water into hydrogen and oxygen has enormous potential for reducing the cost of hydrogen production and that the approach could eventually replace the current method, which relies on fossil fuels.
The loss of hydrogen, in turn, upset the balance of elements back on Earth and 400 million years later produced an oxygen glut.
«The challenge of using ZnO to make these devices has stumped researchers for a long time, and we've developed a solution that uses some very common elements: nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen,» says Dr. Lew Reynolds, co-author of a paper describing the research and a teaching associate professor of materials science and engineering at NC State.
These liberated heavier elements, which astronomers call «metals» (even oxygen is a metal in astronomer - speak), contaminated the hydrogen and helium drifting between the stars.
Joe Reiss, vice president of marketing at manufacturer American Science and Engineering (AS&E) in Billerica, Mass., says low - atomic - number elements such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen — common constituents of explosives — create a strong scattering effect visible in images that operators monitor on a screen yet discernible from the organic molecules in the human body.
When the hydrogen runs out, the star's core collapses in on itself, contracting until it becomes hot enough to burn its own ashes — the core now fuses helium into the heavier elements carbon and oxygen.
At the atomic level, the world can be described in terms of the elements, including hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and the like.
Splitting water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen elements is an important starting point for the development of clean renewable fuels.
(Organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen, and often include nitrogen, oxygen and other elements important to life on Earth.)
This white dwarf's mass allows it to fuse elements slightly heavier than hydrogen, so it has a stable core of carbon and oxygen.
Eventually, Stars Aa and Ab will lose much of their current mass, from intensified stellar winds that eventually puff out their outer gas envelopes of hydrogen and helium (and lesser amounts of higher elements such as carbon and oxygen) into interstellar space as planetary nebulae.
Generally, for life to spontaneously emerge anywhere in the universe, there are three factors that need to be present: Water, certain elements (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus), and time.
Presumably, the strong stellar wind emitted by giant stars eventually blows the titanium oxide out of the star's outer regions (along with hydrogen and helium gases and dust made of elements and molecules like carbon) into interstellar space, until vigorous convection brings out more titanium and oxygen that are created from nuclear processes deeper in the star.
The various colors in the picture arise from different chemical elements in the expanding gas, including hydrogen (orange), nitrogen (red), sulfur (pink), and oxygen (green).
The light we received from the galaxy in the distant Universe tells us - from hydrogen, oxygen, and neon emission lines - that they followed a different rule to produce the heavy elements.
SDSS Collaboration Larger illustration Spectra of J1030 and another remote quasar displayed unexpectedly strong lines of heavier elements, i.e., carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and silicon (more on the «Gunn - Peterson trough» and the ionization of neutral hydrogen).
While elements like oxygen, silicon, magnesium, and iron are much heavier atoms than hydrogen or helium, they are just not abundant enough to make a significant contribution on their own.
He ticked off several of the ingredients necessary for life that have been found on Enceladus, including water and key elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.
Hair follicles themselves are made of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, that when combined form water.
The essential elements of an amino acid are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and even nitrogen.
All carbohydrates are comprised of three basic elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Each amino acid is primarily made up of four key elements: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, although each overall molecule has characteristic «side chain» which contains traces of different elements.
All carbs and fats are made up of just three elements, namely, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Sulfur is the eighth most common element by mass in the human body, behind oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
Understanding Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are foods, which contain similar ratios of the elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
So in chemistry class in the winter of 2010, Monica DiBella's lesson on the properties of hydrogen and oxygen was followed by a worksheet that required her to describe the elements with subordinating clauses — for instance, she had to begin one sentence with the word although.
Oxygen, in combination with hydrogen, is found in water and in many other compounds: so is carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, the elements from which proteins and other cellular components are made.
Since life mostly consist out of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and «reactive nitrogen», ecosystems within the earth's biosphere were established based on what element was limiting.
A Hundred years ago, the human body was still believed to be composed of just 14 elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, fluorine, silicon and iron.
Paper is basically cellulose which is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen the same elements in sugar.
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