Sentences with phrase «elements of human nature»

The live action human actors may all be supporting artists, but they are key to the story as each one adds to the elements of human nature.
It taps into the darker elements of human nature and the things people will do to protect themselves and their family.
In the same way in dealing with the clash between permanent elements of human nature, it is well to map our history on a large scale, and to disengage ourselves from our immediate absorption in the present conflicts.
Such common elements of human nature lead to whatever agreement on values exists among different persons.
And I believe understanding this element of human nature — which I'll discuss in the next section — is key to building a life that: a) involves ambitious striving toward goals and having impact in the world, which contributes to a sense of meaning, and b) gives you a shot at realizing true happiness by avoiding a soul - sucking competitive rat race.
As Beecher put it, sin was a conflict «between the lower element of human nature and the higher.»
Without this inclusiveness, the egoist element of human nature will find even its basic security threatened.
Contemporary neuroscience does, however, point to an element of human nature that is naturally inherited, overturning the theory of a pure tabula rasaor any theory that resorts to explanations of nurture entirely to explain human nature.
To what degree is mob behavior an inborn element of human nature?
All people have their own psychological quirks; we accept this as an essential element of human nature.
You can turn an understanding of this basic element of human nature to your benefit when designing or updating your firm's website.
You can use this element of human nature to your own advantage in relation to your business development.

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It also didn't help that I brought in a new team to heavily focus on human elements such as the health and well - being of communities that depend upon nature.
The saga showcases elements of truth — truth about the human experience, the cosmos, the character of a hero, and the nature of life itself.
While economics as a descriptive study is not concerned with moral issues, the facts of economic life inescapably point to the moral element in human nature.
The supernatural element in human life, whether it comes to us through conscience as human beings or through the Spirit as believers, is not to be located externally in the world of nature and social institutions (as for Taylor and MacIntyre), nor internally (as for the Romantics), but in the interaction of the individual with his world.
Here, of course, we encounter the formidable element of human freedom of action, of which it is endlessly repeated that its unpredictable interference with the established proceedings of Nature threatens constantly to disrupt and frustrate them.
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
One of the essential elements in human nature, according to them, is free will and the capacity for choosing either good or evil.
It may well be said that the [acceptance of man] in - spite - of [his sin] character of the Christian faith, by means of prophetic criticism and the «will to transform» based upon divine justice, functions as a militant element in the realm of human society and history, whereas the just - because - of [human sin and selfishness acceptance] nature of Buddhist realization,... functions as a stabilizing element running beneath all social and historical levels.
A dualistic radical opposition of Grace to nature has led to bibliolatry, the denial of the human element in the process of Revelation.
Since the doctrine of sin is the only element known by some of his critics, a common conclusion is that Niebuhr was too pessimistic about human nature, that he saw only man's sin, and that he offered no proximate or ultimate hope.
Brunner's commitment to the doctrine that agape can exist only in the relationship of «I and Thou» in which all impersonal elements are eliminated is based upon an erroneous conception of human nature.
Niebuhr said that if «biblical thought seems to neglect the creative aspect of the extension of human powers in its prophecies of doom upon proud nations, this is due only to the fact that it is more certain than is Greek thought that, whatever the creative nature of human achievements, there is always a destructive element in human power.»
If human nature has the two aspects of «being» and «consciousness» (being and being aware), political romanticism corresponds more to the former element, socialism to the latter.
«17 Now one may find something less than the pure spirit of love here but there is also disclosed a valuable element in human nature which a Christian ethic ought to respect and enlist, not relegate to a place wholly outside the Kingdom.
For Niebuhr, the dimension of freedom was the most significant element in human nature; it is the essence of man in the image of God.
In seeking to develop a theology of nature, process theologians are supportive of endeavors to appropriate other images from the tradition, such as St. Francis» compassionate love for the poor and treatment of animals as sisters and brothers, the Orthodox view of the church as inclusive of all of creation, and the use of the elements of bread and wine in the Eucharist, products of the interworkings between God, the non-human natural world, and human labor, that speak, to contemporary needs.
The religion of early humans focused on the maintenance of stable tribal existence in the face of nature's wild elements and the hostility of other peoples.
But habit, both good and bad, is a characteristic of human nature, and repentance can be a process, especially if there isan element of addiction in the fault in question.
But there can be no doubt as to what elements in the record have evoked a response from all that is best in human nature: the mother, the Child, and the bare manger: the lowly man, homeless and self - forgetful, with his message of peace, love, and sympathy: the suffering, the agony, the tender words as life ebbed, the final despair: and the whole with the authority of supreme victory.
Though composed of both human and divine elements, its nature is not abridged by the frailties of those forgiven sinners who compose its membership.
The reality of death as a fact: the inescapable element of decision and the consequences in searching appraisal: the social or communal nature of human existence, coupled with the honest recognition that no man is in and of himself a perfect agent of the purpose of God and the love of God: the joy of fulfillment with one's brethren in the imperishable reality of God: and the terrible character of evil — these were values which the older scheme somehow affirmed and expressed.
And on the other hand there is but one possible way in which human elements, innumerably diverse by nature, can love one another: it is by knowing themselves all to be centered upon a single «super-center» common to all, to which they can only attain, each at the extreme of himself, through their unity.
As you say, Marx appears to talk about ideas that are good, and you don't notice the essential elements that are missing from his ideologies — such as the rightful place of humans under God and in relation to one another — the recognition of imperfect and sinful nature of humanity, the inherent dignity of created things.
In addition, it is often prepared to consider human sexuality as an aspect or element in human beings that are assumed to exist as fixed entities — as if one could speak of static and changeless «human nature
The human body is a composition of chemical elements that we find elsewhere in nature.
Only then is nature the basis of his own human experience and a vital element of human reality.
Contemporary neuroscientific research and an understanding of the predispositions of our neurochemistry challenge classical thought on human nature and inform us of fundamental elements that must accompany good governance.
The findings, published in Nature, reveal millions of new regulatory elements in the human genome that in various ways govern how proteins are formed.
These five elements (Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Ether) are the ones which a human nature is composed of (according to traditional yogic literature).
Of course, «It Happens One Night» comes to mind, but The Sure Thing is so sparkling and original in its humor, so perceptive about human nature in its own right, that its key elements seem classic, not carbons.
We also witness the killing wolf pups, as ordered by the Chinese government, and the Mongolian burial customs of leaving human corpses exposed to the elements, while letting forces of nature finish them off.
Identification and expression of elements within priority conservation areas under threat of destructive human activity is of increasing importance, given the nature of the activities and the immediate effect on the concentrated biodiversity.
Equitable access of all human beings, in current and future generations, to the conditions needed for human well - being — socio - cultural, economic, political, ecological, and in particular food, water, shelter, clothing, energy, healthy living, and satisfying social and cultural relations — without endangering any other person's access; equity between humans and other elements of nature; and social, economic, and environmental justice for all.
• The Publishers Weekly review begins, «haracteristic elements of Boyle's fiction — ecology, technology, human nature, obsession, men and women disconnecting, the ordinary intermingled with the bizarre — are evident throughout his latest collection.»
«haracteristic elements of Boyle's fiction — ecology, technology, human nature, obsession, men and women disconnecting, the ordinary intermingled with the bizarre — are evident throughout his latest collection.»
I am very grateful for this opportunity to share that experience with you, combined with my vision of yoga as it was developed over 5,000 years ago — yoga practiced in astounding beauty, in the natural environment with all its elements, as a means for humans to come to realize their true selves and nature and place within the infinite universe.
Strange scenes of hybridizing forces, swarming elements, and bleeding overabundance portray Nature unleashed by technology and the human hand.»
The narrative is portrayed by some of nature's basics elements: sky, fog, clouds, water and terra firma; and further reduced to white through near black by the use of charcoal: probably human's first art medium.
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