Sentences with phrase «elevated blood levels»

This breed is prone to developing pancreatitis (a risk factor for diabetes), which may in turn be associated with elevated blood levels of fat (triglycerides).
One type of mouse bait causes internal bleeding and the other elevated blood levels of calcium.
The two most tested ZIP codes — 81 of 300 samples — were in North and South Buffalo where not a single child was found to have elevated blood levels in the past three years.
Our body responds to the override by elevating the blood levels of appetite - suppressing hormones such as leptin and insulin higher and higher as body weight increases, yet the hormones become progressively less effective as the body develops tolerance to their actions.
In response to feedback from Onondaga County officials, Bost said Quest looked at lead screening finger prick results it performed in the region and found they also showed elevated blood levels.
«Currently, our grant only provides us with funding resources to reach children with elevated blood levels of 10 and above,» Burstein told county legislators.
Previous studies have demonstrated an interaction between elevated blood levels of proline — a modulator of neurotransmitters that, in higher amounts, is associated with psychiatric illnesses including schizophrenia — and a gene called COMT, which makes an enzyme that helps maintain normal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Because elevated blood levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin have long been associated with this disorder, the researchers focused on the genes that regulate the production and function of this powerful chemical messenger.
Hyperthyroidism in Graves» disease is confirmed, as with any other cause of hyperthyroidism, by measuring elevated blood levels of free (unbound) T3 and T4.
However, for various reasons some individuals do not efficiently recycle homocysteine, resulting in elevated blood levels of this potentially harmful amino acid.
Elevated blood levels of homocysteine can be a risk factor for heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease.
It appears that, during breastfeeding, elevated blood levels of oxytocin are associated with increased brain levels; women who exhibit the highest plasma oxytocin are the sleepiest (Klaus and Kennel, 2001).
In the current study, researchers reported that 31 percent of SIDS infants (19 of 61) had elevated blood levels of serotonin.
The elevated blood levels can cause children to have reduced attention spans, hyperactivity and other problems in school.
Instead, the stressed - out animals had elevated blood levels of the stress hormone corticosterone.
This new study builds on previous research from this group showing that elevated blood levels of SNTF on the day of a mild traumatic brain injury treated in the emergency room predicted those patients who would go on to suffer diffuse axonal injury and long - term cognitive dysfunction.
The team found that the injections normalized the elevated blood levels of glucose in the mice.
Such patients, scientists have found, have elevated blood levels of oxidized compounds.
A study published earlier this year, for example, suggests that some pregnant women who go on to have children with autism and intellectual disability have elevated blood levels of interferon gamma.
In the current study, researchers reported that 31 percent of SIDS infants (19 of 61) had elevated blood levels of serotonin.
Of all markers for inflammation, it has gotten the most attention because research has shown that elevated blood levels are strongly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even in people otherwise at low risk.
Early exposure and elevated bloods level of aflatoxin are associated with stunted growth in children.
Elevated blood levels of toxic metals should not be required for instituting therapy.
Tryptophan - rich proteins like those found in whey and egg whites will elevate blood levels of tryptophan relative to other large neutral amino acids (Trp: LNAA ratio), leading to higher brain uptake and subsequent serotonin synthesis.
Some studies on vegetarian diets have shown increased risk of protein deficiency, iron deficiency, decreased muscle creatinine, and elevated blood levels of homocysteine.
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to elevated blood levels of glucose.
Elevated blood levels can indicate pancreatic disease.
Aluminum hydroxide is used to reduce hyperphosphatemia (elevated blood levels of phosphate) in patients with kidney failure.
The symptoms of diabetes, however subtle or apparent, are caused by both the reduction in the delivery of glucose to the cells and the elevated blood levels of glucose that is unused.
Elevated blood levels can indicate pancreatic and / or kidney disease.
While Flint is mostly known, it is only the tip of an iceberg: Elevated blood levels are widespread in the USA because there are still many deposits of lead: old factories, lead paint in old houses and water contamination with lead plumbing.
In addition, 8.7 percent of these tested children had elevated blood levels, compared to 2.2 percent of tested children living in the Ironbound section.
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