Sentences with phrase «elevation coastal zones»

In a paper published recently in the journal PLOS ONE, a team of researchers from several Western institutes estimated the number of people living in low - elevation coastal zones, as well as the scale of the population at risk from one - in -100-year storm surge events, by using scenario - based projections.
Their findings show that even under the lowest growth assumptions, the global population in low - elevation coastal zones could rise by more than 40 percent, from 625 million in 2000 to 879 million in 2030.
Beyond sea level rise, low - elevation coastal zones in many countries face intensifying storm surges that will push sea water further inland.

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In the northern part of the zone, Atlantic influences are practically nonexistent — probably because of the relatively high elevations of the coastal region, which reach 900 to 1,800 feet around San Jorge Gulf — although cold Pacific winds from the west and the cold Falkland Current off the Atlantic coast do have some effect.
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