Sentences with phrase «eliminate out of the litter box»

Contact our Behavior Helpline to talk with a behaviorist if either of the cats is continually hiding, not eating, eliminating out of the litter box, appearing depressed / lethargic, or behaving aggressively.
If your kitten continues to eliminate out of the litter box, take him to your veterinarian.

Not exact matches

It's always important to get your cat checked out by her veterinarian if she's eliminating outside the litter box instead of assuming the problem is behavioral in nature.
If your previously litterbox - trained cat begins to eliminate elsewhere, it may be for a number of reasons including: You've changed the litter type, haven't changed the litter enough, have another cat who is keeping him out, have used a strong - smelling cleanser on the box or have made some other change related to the litterbox.
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