Sentences with phrase «elitist governments»

By a combination of ideology and terror, elitist governments set out systematically to destroy a citizenry's capacity for action.
In The Origins of Totalitarianism she analyzes what happens when, by a combination of ideology and terror, an elitist government sets out systematically to destroy a citizenry's capacity for action.

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That accomplished, the elitists will then attempt to implant world government.
If the federal and state governments come in and slap new regulations and oversight on these companies, it's their own fault for practicing elitist arrogance in an attempt to shape a specific narrative that damages the very fabric of a society where the first amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the rights of free expression and free speech.
If the federal and state governments come in and slap new regulations and oversight on these companies, it's their own fault for practicing elitist arrogance in an attempt to shape a specific narrative that damages the very fabric of a society where the
It is for this reason that defending (not bashing) and reforming our form of government, which — quelle horreur — includes the federal government, is populist rather than elitist.
But concurrently in nuce and eventually massively, centrist, elitist, great - power competitors competitiors to people - power arose and flourished in various forms: robber - baron enterprises grew into modern corporations, a federal government that had discovered how to fight a civil war soon found new fields for the exercise of authority and control Concentrations of power in the political and economic spheres began to deprive the people of genuine political participation while keeping them in the illusion that they still possessed it.
In addition, we have a President who has been easily portrayed by his opponents as a champion of Big Government, determined to trample on individual freedoms (as well as pedantic and elitist), while Michelle Obama is portrayed as harsh and militant.
«Marc Panepinto is an elitist who thinks government control is the answer to every aspect of life.»
As Education Secretary in Ted Heath's government (1970 - 74), Margaret Thatcher was perceived as «elitist», «strident» and «hectoring».
«The Government has consistently sought to portray GCSEs as «broken» and «dumbed down» qualifications in order to push through its vision of an elitist, narrowly focused curriculum and qualifications system which risks failing to meet the needs of the majority of young people.
The log stated that Mitchell called on - duty officers «f *** ing plebs», creating howls of anger against elitist Tories in government.
He said New Patriotic Party (NPP) governments are notorious for being elitist and passing disparaging comments against the underprivileged.
Forced by term limits to relinquish his 2nd District council seat, he decided to challenge the incumbent because, he said, she exercises «elitist, top - down government» and pays too little attention to the quality of life in city neighborhoods.
«It's very hard for a government, especially a Canadian government, to be elitist,» he says.
Suspicious of parents, he thinks either the courts or the federal government, or both, should force children to attend the school he and his elitist friends want them to attend.
It shares characteristics with earlier debates in the development of medicine, law, and engineering; it reflects the conflict about whether a professional is an elitist or an expert; and it includes locus - of - control issues, with control of the field ranging between free - market forces and government control.
For a socialist government this is a remarkably elitist act.
For many directors, the initial exclusion of museums from the government's economic stimulus package underscored the perception that their field is isolated and elitist, existing for and catering to a small segment of society.
This was the apex of the civil rights movement, a time that saw a pivotal change in the elitist (white) ethos prevailing in New York City's art museums — government - based education programs were implemented along with a new emphasis toward decentralization of cultural and public institutions.
Initially I assumed that they were just another high - level environmental think - tank and dismissed the conspiracy theories found on many website claiming that the CoR is a group of global elitists attempting to impose some kind of one world government.
Optimizing the total biosphere plant growth potential, is the goal we should be working toward as stewards of the planet, not the growth of wasteful government controls, or the manipulation of stocks and prices of commodities, or creating scare stories to lay the ground work for elitist control, resulting in the detriment of all life forms.
A U.S. senator from Oklahoma hails it as proof that the entire global warming thing is a hoax, a fraud perpetrated by hollywood liberal elitists to bring about socialism based on world government.
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