Sentences with phrase «else shut up»

So please back up your statement with good reference or research that supports it, else shut up.

Not exact matches

After burning through $ 1 million in investors» money, Ivester shut the site down in February of 2009 after he was unable to get anyone else to ante up more cash.
When asked to leave the Dodich's property, one Pokémon Go player allegedly told Jayme to «shut up, b ****, or else
The solution that Citi has come up with — probably the only solution — is to get out of the custody business in Argentina entirely and make this someone else's problem, though let's pause here and say that is a somewhat drastic solution: U.S. District Judge Thomas Griesa has basically shut down a U.S. bank's legitimate business in Argentina.
Everybody should just shut the eff up and let everyone else believe what they want to believe.
If you believe in a deity the just shut up — don't demand everyone else's approval of and conformance to your deviance.
Sometimes I wish atheists would just shut up, they think they are so much smarter than everyone else, you are just as bad as religious nuts and sometimes worse because you are so arrogant and full of crap.
After 22 years in recovery it «s still the same take the cotton out of ears and put it in your mouth.GO TO MEETINGS GET A SPONSOR SHUT UP AND LISTEN DO N`T ANALYZE.If you want to stay on the bar stool and not believe in anything then recovery is far away somewhere else.
Do the civilized world a favor, read some real books, keep your fat dirty fingers out of everyone else's lives, and SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Few good laughs several times in this episode — as always his «shut up shut up shut up» thing when he's trying to think even if no one else is talking is hilarious.
Please, for everyone else's sanity do us all a favor by shutting up and throwing your computer in the garbage.
Nobody else likes going through security, so you can either shut up and get in line like the rest of us (poor baby, have to take off a turban), or you can walk.
Okay, I don't really believe those things, but maybe, JUST MAYBE you morons will get the point, we don't care how you FEEL, shut up and pay your taxes like everyone else!!
Everyone else has shut up and gone.
The 3 points were much more important than anything else yesterday, Wenger was quite right to shut this game down & to ensure 100 % once we were two goals up played safe & made 100 % sure we went home with all the points.
MMA Hour does an interview with someone on Monday, then they take that interview, make 5 website articles out of it and post one each day, and funny part it fans still do nt understand how media works, and say things like: oh my god why does not this guy shut up, he talks too much, everyday he says something else haha
That is domestic violence and I was with this jerk / loser for 17 years, unknowingly attracted to him, and not even aware he was dating and screwing hookers, and living this double life, which came to the surface in 2011, and he kept cheating one after the after, begging me for mercy, but I had no where in my heart to feel anything for him, he had violated my trust, and when that trust was violated in 2011, he had nothing else left, but to continuing with his sex addiction on date sites, and on his cell phone where he never spoke to me, only told me to «shut the fuck up» even if I offered him food or a cup of tea!
When we use harsh punitive measures to control the behavior we teach the child his needs are not important and he needs to shut up about them and ignore them or else there will be ill consequences.
Magnetic latches might seem handy, but once you have your bag loaded up with diapers, clothes and everything else, chances are it's not going to stay shut.
Everyone else can shut up.
Fed Up and Shut Up Dear Abby: Recently I read the letter in your column about the rude co-worker who always had to know what everyone else had for lunch.
Phil, don't you know Democrats like Curley (today Bounds) / Cuomo / Hastie / Stewart - Cousins / Latimer are smarter than everyone else so they already have all the answers for us so sit down, shut up and follow.
They go to sit at Alisa Hotel and warned me to shut up else I won't get a contract.
There's a kind of a drug - addled in the Big Bend country sort of twang to the whole thing and it feels like it could all go off the rails at any moment and burst into a hell hath no fury conflagration thanks to some lonely propane tank beside the tracks in some Chihuahuan Hooterville; and boy, that drummer works his ass off bringing the bass sound and everything else he's supposed to do; and boy, they remind me of Ed Hall and a bunch of other whacky late 80s / early 90s Austin bands whose names escape me; and man, this band is awesome in that sort of weird «lets go drop mushrooms in Marfa and look for the Marfa Lights» kinda way; and whoa, why don't I just shut up and let you listen for yourself?
But by shutting off your heart and mind to anyone else, you end up putting too much pressure on the situation and on your friend.
We'll help you with creating your account, jazzing up your profile, talking to potential mates, keeping safe, going on the first date, shutting down your accounts when you find that special someone, dealing with support when you have questions, and anything else you could possibly need help with.
Partners (So everyone else can shut up) 3.
But that still doesn't mean I plan on revisiting this sequel anytime soon, and as much as everyone else seems to go gaga for this particular mouthy mutant mercenary, part of me can't help but wish that, after this adventure becomes a global hit, he finally decides to shut up.
And then everyone else yelled, «Shut up, Smythe!»
And short of a global boycott on eBooks, you'll never have to worry about waking up to the nightmare of your business being shut down by the whims of someone else.
It's either get up and shut off the electricity and light a candle to read by, or else be blinded.
So for instance, if you have 9 months of emergency funds, the last three months or so could be set up in laddering cd's, or something else that is still accessable and not at risk of going down or being shut off when you need it.
To all those repeatedly saying these games are free, I'm assuming someone else is paying for them for you and so you don't think about it, but it's really not the case, so shut up.
I wish he'd just shut up and go away and take his ramblings somewhere else.
Other than for all of them on both sides of politics to just shut up, sit down and start minding their own business, what else would you recommend.
To do so is to be called a «holocaust denier, a racist» (Algore and others), a «flat - earthist,» to be threatened, warned to shut up or else, be reassigned or even lose their livelihoods.
Some of these people really want to shut everyone else up, and now apparently, to send people to jail.
Someone else pops up to carry on their ignorant games... and you use Facts again to shut them up for awhile.
And if a sudden shut down process occurs you can end up in soft - bricking your Samsung Galaxy Note8 — that's why you should charge your handset before doing anything else, if that's required of course.
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