Sentences with phrase «elusive character»

Mr. Redick turned out to be a remarkably elusive character.
The Tao - Te - Ching, perhaps because of its rather vague, elusive character, has not become so widely known as the more practical, common - sense, far more easily understood Confucian books.
It's a great piece of casting, adding a bit more weight to the elusive character and good to see him turn up so late in the film.
Unable to find this elusive character (a private detective finds little more than a string of P.O. Boxes in Rebney's name), he tracks down the video crew (including Tony the Intern) and learns that they put together the original montage out of their own frustration and it got Rebney fired when someone slipped it to the Winnebago honchos.
Part social issue film, part thriller, the doc is full of complexities and gray areas that are embodied by a truly bizarre and elusive character.
Jim remains a prickly and elusive character, but the picture of him grows clearer through other characters» viewpoints and by way of archival records.
Industrial fabrics have interested Reusser for a long time, because of their physical structure, elusive character and intrinsic resistance to aesthetic manipulation.
Larry Rivers was an accomplished Jazz musician, painter, sculptor, poet, actor, television personality, filmmaker, MC, author, lecturer, and teacher — an elusive character to define, and difficult to contextualize his more than 50 years of contribution to the arts.
Through landscapes, photograms and anthotypes, Elfman reveals the elusive character of the subject in photography and the fleeting, fraught relationship between viewer and the viewed.
He's an elusive character, but he's so bloody charming it's easy to overlook that fact.
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