Sentences with phrase «elusive particles»

The phrase "elusive particles" refers to tiny and imperceptible bits that are very difficult to observe or catch. These particles are elusive because they tend to hide, move quickly, or interact in ways that make them hard to study. Full definition
Fermilab will now try to redirect its efforts to studying the properties of elusive particles known as neutrinos.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, scientists in Australia are building their own underground laboratory to search for elusive particles.
Neutrinos are the most elusive particles in the universe; in fact there are more neutrinos in the universe than there are any other matter particle.
Mysterious seasonal wobbles in the rate of radioactive decay may be caused by elusive particles from the sun
Davis made his name detecting neutrinos from the sun — the first of these notoriously elusive particles ever seen from beyond our planet — and Koshiba discovered them coming from the great supernova explosion of 1987.
Elusive particles called neutrinos are the chameleons of the subatomic world.
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, has been smashing particles together at high enough energies to overcome the strong force, creating showers of more elusive particles, including the Higgs boson.
And so neutrinos are becoming not just elusive particles but an incredible new windows on processes that happen in the cores of stars and even in the core of our very Earth.
«When they announced the discovery of physics» most elusive particle this week, scientists didn't overreach.
But Ws decay in a flash — into an electron, which is fairly easy to pick up, and a neutrino, a notoriously elusive particle that quickly escapes.
In the Daya Bay region of China a research project is underway to study ghostlike, elusive particles called neutrinos.
Neutrinos, notoriously lightweight and elusive particles, could be either Majorana or Dirac fermions; scientists aren't yet sure which.
These elusive particles could already have revealed themselves as the David to the standard model's Goliath, says Janet Conrad — undersized yet deadly
What if neither team finds the elusive particle or rule that explains everything — will all this have been worth it?
Meanwhile, particle physicists are building experiments designed to find the elusive particle or particles of dark matter right here on Earth.
These researchers favor a theory known as modified Newtonian dynamics, or MOND (SN: 3/31/07, p. 206), which adjusts the rules of gravity to make sense of stars» motions, without requiring any new, elusive particles.
One outstanding question regards the mass of the neutrino, an elusive particle with a mass so small that it has yet to register in any measurement.
After a three - decade search, scientists appear to have found the elusive particle.
Higgs Boson The elusive particle, predicted by the?
Last December, researchers at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, reported the most credible hints yet of the elusive particle.
In May an international group of physicists studying the elusive particles known as neutrinos announced that they had spotted one spontaneously transforming from one type to another.
It will be filled with liquid argon to catch these elusive particles
THE cosmos should be ringing with dark sound, according to a recent model of dark matter that says some of the elusive particles can form unseen atoms.
On 13 December, two teams at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, near Geneva in Switzerland, reported hints of the Higgs boson, the elusive particle thought to give all others mass.
A storm is brewing round the scientists in line to win the Nobel prize for predicting the elusive particle.
The elusive particles could reveal Earth's origins and inner workings — if only we can catch enough of them, says Anil Ananthaswamy
If so, an orbiting space telescope could upstage the Large Hadron Collider in the search for the elusive particle.
An unexplained X-ray signal from the swirling Perseus galaxy cluster could be the death rattle of an elusive particle — and hint at the nature of dark matter
SLAC is involved in four neutrino experiments — EXO, DUNE, MicroBooNE and ICARUS — that want to shine light on the elusive particles, whose properties could be linked to cosmic evolution, invisible dark matter and matter's dominance over antimatter in the universe.
For years, scientists have scanned the skies for signals given off by the decay or mutual annihilation of these elusive particles, which make up fully 80 % of the matter in the universe.
The world's most sensitive dark matter detector is poised to join the hunt for WIMPs, the world's most elusive particles
That means the elusive particles are running out of hiding places
Failing to detect the elusive particle, however, means physics remains in the dark about the origin of the tiny neutrino mass, or why they have mass in the first place, says Halzen.
Painstaking observations show that the sun emits fewer of these elusive particles than theories predict.
To find out more about the elusive particles and their potential links to cosmic evolution, invisible dark matter and matter's dominance over antimatter in the universe, the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is taking on key roles in four neutrino experiments: EXO, DUNE, MicroBooNE and ICARUS.
Now physicists are trying to find these elusive particles
Because of uncertainties over the exact mass and interaction strength of these elusive particles, the WIMP search space spans eight orders of magnitude.
In a clip from Brian Greene's new NOVA miniseries The Fabric of the Cosmos, physicist Peter Higgs describes the bumpy road that led him to hypothesize his eponymous, elusive particle
The search for the elusive particle will require new accelerators
Although scientists» dreams of directly detecting dark matter remain unfulfilled, the result helps rule out possible models for what the elusive particles might be.
That finding put in place the last piece of the puzzle to complete the standard model of fundamental particles and forces nearly 50 years after Higgs, Englert, and others predicted the existence of the elusive particle.
The elusive particles could reveal Earth's origins and inner workings — if only we can catch enough of them
But it wasn't until 2013 that physicists at Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) confirmed that the elusive particle they'd nabbed was in fact a Higgs.
A research team led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has confirmed magnetic signatures likely related to Majorana fermions — elusive particles that could be the basis for a quantum bit, or qubit, in a two - dimensional graphene - like material, alpha - ruthenium trichloride.
Kouvaris» proposal is therefore to take a different approach to looking for the elusive particles.
LUX will be about 10 times as sensitive as previous searches, so could be the first to see these elusive particles.
But neutrinos caught my eye as a perfect topic for a book because of the signs of neutrinos is really interesting and intriguing and fascinating, but also the colorful cast of characters involved throughout history, and also even now, the magnificent arsenal of neutrino trapping devices that have been built to study these elusive particles.
The scientists spearheaded giant underground experiments that revealed that the elusive particles morph from one variety into another.
These elusive particles, called WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), may simply be better at hiding than physicists thought.
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