Sentences with phrase «email a cover letter rather»

Not exact matches

If you are emailing prospective companies to see if they have any job openings that fit your abilities, consider sending a value proposition letter rather than a cover letter.
In your covering email, write in full sentences, as you would for a covering letter rather than abbreviated text - speak that you might sometimes use in more general emails
If using email or an online form, submit your cover letter as an attachment rather than in the body of a message.
The E-Note is a shortened cover letter for the digital age where emails are sorted and decisions made with snap - your - fingers speed [Tweet This] in a world where people would rather hit «archive» than resort to the tedium of information overload (well - written or otherwise).
In this day and age, many cover letter also should be placed in a body of an email rather than an attachment which may be difficult to open (e.g. on a mobile phone or because of file incompatibility).
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