Sentences with phrase «emanation which»

In a recent painting by Katherine Bradford, a figure barely weighted down by his necktie seems to wrangle with a Janus - like emanation which could be his double.

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From this followed the inconsequence of his own existence: «Realize of what Universe thou art a part, and as an emanation from what Controller of that universe thou dost subsist; and that a limit has been set to thy time, which if thou use not to let daylight into thy soul, it would be gone — and thou!
Not only is the mutable world separated from its divine principle — the One — by intervals of emanation that descend in ever greater alienation from their source, but because the highest truth is the secret identity between the human mind and the One, the labor of philosophy is one of escape: all multiplicity, change, particularity, every feature of the living world, is not only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the world.
Of a state of existence in which surviving souls, condemned to live, crawl about scrofulously among the radiations of insidious poison, among emanations of noxious gases, on a planet unfit for habitation which they must nevertheless inhabit.
But never mind, he found its source and justification in that ancient document's «penumbras» and» emanationswhich because they are not limned in words have, shall we say, a certain useful plasticity.
Another text, the book Bahir, describes ten emanations or sefirot of the divine or upper world, which separate into nine masculine and one feminine power.
Indeterminacy of some sort and degree must therefore be an aspect of any universe which is not a mere emanation of its ultimate source of order.
This is a big reason why the films (which are not so much adaptations of the novels as they are emanations of them) have become very personal affairs for their fans.
Most convincing, however, is his use of light, which recalls the back - lit emanation on a computer screen, allowing for a graphic reading of the works that situates them within the contemporary moment.
Or was he suggesting a visual emanation in which qualities of manifestation and concealment were combined?
-LSB-...]... To allow ourselves to be inhabited by what left our field, perhaps our visual field; around us, in the hole inside us, we learn the fullness of other dimensions of existence...... The spaces left empty are the place of the most intense energy, emanations, auras, tensions, thoughts and the fascinations of the human presence... -LSB-...] The drawn objects serve as a backdrop for creating states of mind, from which the attempt at concentration, at falling inside, at finding the rhythm, the exhaustion through rhythm and the reaching of a conclusion which is a static stage before a new beginning.»
Taking the aerosol — or volcanic emanation, it doesn't matter which — as cooling factor, means that CO2 forcing was overestimated during the post 1975, pre-98 period, and overestimated during the post-98 period.
«The fog, the inaccessibility and isolation of this frozen place, which is slowly being invaded by fluorescent emanations that invade space.
The techniques by which particular emanations become known and understood are extremely powerful.
It fails to recognise that the practices which establish the applicants» connection to their culture are part of a broader system of rights of which particular practices are an emanation.
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