Sentences with phrase «emanations from»

They all involve greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide, along with black carbon — the sooty emanations from diesel engines and guttering cooking fires that both heat and kill.
Conceptualists Cory Arcangel and Pierre Bismuth disorient viewers by remixing and reversing emanations from contemporary mass media and pop culture.
Some gifts are so extraordinary they're practically like emanations from the beyond.
, but the constitutional basis for these claims is elusive, even more so than the conservative bugbear right to privacy (famously derived by Justice Douglas from penumbras of emanations from constitutional rights).
Earlier decisions of the Court, Douglas said, «suggest that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.»
Georgetown's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) tells us, unsurprisingly, that the wordy emanations from the USCCB are largely unread.
To a member of the congregation, the prayers, the dialogue, the readings, the sermon, and the parish announcements are all emanations from one and the same source, the nearest loudspeaker.
From this followed the inconsequence of his own existence: «Realize of what Universe thou art a part, and as an emanation from what Controller of that universe thou dost subsist; and that a limit has been set to thy time, which if thou use not to let daylight into thy soul, it would be gone — and thou!
While there are many sects within Hinduism, and numerous interpretations of the basic Hindu ideas, there would be general agreement that the world as we know it is an emanation from an original Source, Brahman, that ultimately the world as we know it will return to its Source; in the meantime, living beings go through numerous rebirths, their progress upward toward Brahman or downward toward material existence determined by the law of karma.
From Him comes down the Son in a direct line, an emanation from Divinity.
Not so with those whose opinions and feelings are an emanation from their own nature and faculties.»
Carl was haunted by a «second self,» an emanation from his unconscious that heard voices and saw visions.

Not exact matches

Not only is the mutable world separated from its divine principle — the One — by intervals of emanation that descend in ever greater alienation from their source, but because the highest truth is the secret identity between the human mind and the One, the labor of philosophy is one of escape: all multiplicity, change, particularity, every feature of the living world, is not only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the world.
It conveys the image of a divine One, from whose very substance the world emerges as a manifestation, appearance, or emanation.
Therefore on the one hand they call Him the Object of Love and Yearning as being Beautiful and Good, and on the other they call Him Yearning and Love as being a Motive - Power leading all things to Himself, Who is the only ultimate Beautiful and Good — yea, as being His own Self - Revelation and the Bounteous Emanation of His own Transcendent Unity, a Motion of Yearning simple, self - moved, self - acting, pre-existent in the Good, and overflowing from the Good into creation, and once again returning to the Good.6
The human mind that abstracts from the realism and intuition of St. John, to theologise its own version of the Jesus of History as distinct from the Jesus of Faith, must always end up with a supreme Prophet who is less than the transcendent divine, who is not pre-existent to the Universe and Creation, and who at the very highest is «divine» only as a supreme emanation of a «holy and noble consciousness» at the root of being itself, and identified with Creation itself.
But from him went out powers comparable with the later notion of emanations.
Plotinus later employed Aristotle's First Mover as the goal of motion and also ascribed to Him, the One, an active emanation whereby all of reality, even prime matter, flows from Him before turning back to Him.
Of course, however the Christian Incarnation might be thought to relate to time, this «structural incarnation» need not be assumed to be temporal in the sense of resulting from some great decision, emanation or evolution in cosmic history; what must be recognized initially is simply that it is a perennial peculiarity that reality has or even must have the exact basic order that it does.
Out of the cramped sky of the upper - right - hand corner, irregular and broken lead strips serve to symbolize a halting emanation of angels (each with its name painted on celestial placards), down from the sky to the earth's surface.
The further the series descended, the further the emanation was from God, the more ignorant of God it was.
A world without internal, self - initiated movement, without any possibility of deviation from a divinely imposed scheme of order, would be a sheer emanation or extension of its makers own being.
The origin of evil is explained in terms of a disharmony arising within these emanations so that God's quality of judgment became separate from His quality of mercy.
All things aspire to It, from It the whole universe is derived by a process of flux or emanation.
As the emanations grow more distant from the true God they grow more ignorant of the true God.
This god therefore puts out a series of aeons or emanations, each a little more removed and distant from himself.
Others have said that the world is a necessary emanation arising from God and returning to him.
The group evaluated how chemical imbalance in Europa could be initiated through the emanation of water leading to chain reactions between water and chemical elements found in Europa's crust — however, a total lack of empirical data prevents scientists from unequivocally presuming any of these events (an «Europa Mission» may take place as late as 2030, stated Nasa, the US space agency).
The essential certainly filed emanation of Batur was in 1804, and it has been as frequently as would be prudent element from here on out.
A search for clues amongst the exhibited works always leads back to the original cultural emanation, and to other examples of Einarsson's excavations from modern life.
From «Emanations: The Art of the Cameraless Photograph.»
Seventeen pieces from the last several years represented two primary impulses pursued by Turrell across his distinguished career - long engagement with light: deploying it, on the one hand, as a paradoxically material presence designed to draw our perceptual attention outward, toward the spectral volumetric «objects» it creates, and, on the other, as a dematerialized emanation designed
-LSB-...]... To allow ourselves to be inhabited by what left our field, perhaps our visual field; around us, in the hole inside us, we learn the fullness of other dimensions of existence...... The spaces left empty are the place of the most intense energy, emanations, auras, tensions, thoughts and the fascinations of the human presence... -LSB-...] The drawn objects serve as a backdrop for creating states of mind, from which the attempt at concentration, at falling inside, at finding the rhythm, the exhaustion through rhythm and the reaching of a conclusion which is a static stage before a new beginning.»
During her time at the Metropolitan, she has organized a number of favorably reviewed exhibitions, including Sensitivity to the Seasons: Summer and Autumn in Japanese Art, 5,000 Years of Japanese Art: Treasures from the Harry Packard Collection and Japanese Mandalas: Emanations and Avatars.
Today, he lives with his family in Trinidad and his work has evolved from the ecstatic collages that made him famous to radiant, mysterious emanations whose intensity plumbs myth, fantasy and dream.
Living in the concrete jungle divorces us from the natural world, says Landau, with skyscrapers supplanting trees and putrid emanations whiffing across roadways.
Furthermore, as the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) is probably an emanation of state, any material departure from the minimum levels of compensatory protection prescribed by the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives (MVIDs) is directly enforceable by the courts.
For all but the tiniest sliver in the history of human thought, the notion of emanation has been understood mostly as a cosmological concept; an unobservable flow of being derived from god alone.
While emanations may seem innocuous in isolation, the ever - increasing number of technologies designed to: locate, track, store, process, mine, buy, use, break, fix, trash, change, melt, upgrade, charge, pawn, zoom, press, snap, work, erase, write, cut, paste, save, load, check, rewrite, plug, play, burn, rip, drag, drop, zip, unzip, lock, fill, curl, find, view, coat, jam, unlock, surf, scroll, pose, click, cross, crack, twitch, update, name, rate, tune, print, scan, send, fax, rename, touch, bring, obey, watch, turn, leave, stop and format information gleaned from emanations means that single bits of emanation information can be manipulated with such significant degrees of control that it is now possible to build a comprehensive profile of an individual's biographical or biological life without that individual ever knowing that he or she is, was, or will be a subject of surveillance.
Emanations radiate from our computers, our cell phones, our televisions and radios, our luggage, backpacks, clothing and homes.
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