Sentences with phrase «emancipation which»

As they put it, «In fine, it is immediate emancipation which is gradually accomplished.»

Not exact matches

’25 Bloch believed that «the ultimate, enduring insight of Marx is that truth does not exist for its own sake but implies emancipation, and an interpretation of the world which has the transformation of the world as its goal and meaning, providing a key in theory and leverage in practice».26 Drawing on this tradition Moltmann writes that unless truth «contains initiative for the transformation of the world, it becomes a myth of the existing world.
For example, Moses Stuart of Andover Seminary in Massachusetts (who was sympathetic to the eventual emancipation of American slaves, but was against abolition), published a tract in which he pointed to Ephesians 6 and other biblical texts to argue that while slaves should be treated fairly by their owners, abolitionists just didn't have Scripture on their side and «must give up the New Testament authority, or abandon the fiery course which they are pursuing.»
As Boodin has said, the new intellectual renaissance into which physics has led us in the twentieth century is marked, not only by the emancipation from mechanism, but «the discovery of form or structure as fundamental in reality.
As we listen to the witness of the Bible, we may be inclined to think, at first, that this is no more than the voice of the human Israel which points us away from the gods of idolatry as the first step in man's self - emancipation.
But the phrase «the measure of» is redundant, given the term «maximize,» so that we max» restate the principle more concisely: Maximize the general conditions of emancipation to which there is equal access.
On this suggestion, «emancipation» means the opportunity to be creative, the measure of power that «issues from coordination,» and individuals are more or less emancipated depending on the natural and human context in which their lives are set.
The right to participate in the widest possible moral discourse, through which social practices are legislated and justice is pursued, is also a formative condition of emancipation.
Whatever the possibilities given to an individual by some morally valid social action of which she or he is a recipient, the possibility of accepting those effects because they are morally valid is always consistent with them — and the absence of this freedom lessens emancipation.
Whatever legal norms increase the measure of general emancipation to which there is equal access, this measure is less than it might be unless all are subjects of the rights to private and public liberties.
Let us call this the principle of justice as general emancipation, using the term «general» to express not only the kind of emancipatory conditions with which justice is properly concerned but also the prescription to maximize the measure of those conditions that is generally available or equally available to all.
Durkheim's concept of sociology is characterized by a marked emancipation from the tenets of Comte's philosophy of history as sociology (sociology as a method) and by a corresponding tendency toward construction of a typology of social groupings, in which he included religious communities.
It is assumed that the gift of democracy is the emancipation of man from all higher powers, so that he may at last build according to his heart's desire the world of which he is now the master, thanks to science and invention.
To lift the economic burdens which depress life and spoil opportunity, to liberate folk from the slavery of their diseases, to set men free by education from the Town of Stupidity, which, as Bunyan rightly says, is only four degrees north of the City of Destruction itself — all these endeavors to give persons a chance to be their best selves are crusades for human emancipation and happiness.
They have been subjected to an unparalleled history of extreme coercion and violence which did not end with emancipation but has taken ever new forms to the present day.
Modern philosophy shares with Christianity an emancipation from entities and concepts and thus an understanding of spirituality as «an existential meditation on the horizon within which it finds itself.»
On the one hand there is an official and institutional form of Christianity seeking to be faithful to the beliefs and forms of Christendom's past glory, and on the other there is a secular, non-religious society which tends to assume that emancipation from all religious faith is part of the goal of complete secularization.
In addition to these concrete demands are general demands, of which the most important are: emancipation of women; radical agricultural reform; general reduction in working hours; disarmament; the rejection of all forms or racism; the creation of a planned transfer of wealth from the countries of the North to the countries of the South to compensate for the pillage which these peoples have been and still are subjected to.
Akin to the mysteries was Hermeticism, which sought emancipation of the spirit from matter.
None of what Lincoln achieved — the eventual abolition of slavery, the preservation of the Union — would have happened had Lincoln not thought himself constitutionally authorizedto resist the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott; constitutionally obligated, by his oath, to resist secession; and constitutionally empowered, as commander in chief, to fight the enemy with the full powers at his disposal, which included military force, blockade, suspension of habeas corpus, arrest and detention, seizure of enemy property, and emancipation of Southern slaves.
A verse which could point towards emancipation (I Cor.
The NDC is just on the right track, doing all the necessary things which have to be done for a full economic recovery and emancipation, thereby creating the enabling environment for the private sector to set up business and industries, expand and create the much needed jobs to absorb our teeming unemployed youth.
Again, from investigations, seeking an elective position with the aim of effecting political and socioeconomic change is synonymous with fighting for emancipation from captivity which is never voluntarily given without personal sacrifice / self - denials; as the beneficiaries of the old order will do everything to thwart the moves.
Suffrage was one singular part of women's emancipation, but the film paints a broader picture of their oppression, which infiltrates every facet of society from the law, to the workplace, to the private home.
Participation and education for emancipation and empowerment of the holders of these entitlements, is the indispensable foundation which can support any act of cooperation for development.
The renovated Yser Tower Museum atxDiksmuide offers a sensory experience for schools, revealing the story of the Belgian ‑ German confrontation including the political consequences of the war which led to the Flemish emancipation.
In a recent commencement speech at Hampton University, he said, «With iPods and iPads; and Xboxes and PlayStations — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation
Although in her later years Rosa Bonheur might have made fun of some of the more far - fetched eccentricities of the members of the community, and disapproved of the additional strain which her father's apostolate placed on her overburdened mother, it is obvious that the Saint - Simonian ideal of equality for women — they disapproved of marriage, their trousered feminine costume was a token of emancipation, and their spiritual leader, Le Père Enfantin, made extraordinary efforts to find a Woman Messiah to share his reign — made a strong impression on her as a child, and may well have influenced her future course of behavior.
More than ever, artists were condemned and even prosecuted, especially after the infamous attempts of particular political mechanisms to discredit, enable or even destroy art which embraced the ideas of equality, solidarity, modernization, and emancipation.
Focusing on photographs, collage works, performances, films and videos produced throughout the 1970s, the exhibition reflects a moment during which practices of emancipation, gender equality and civil rights protest movements became part of public discourse.
The title is taken from Aimé Césaire's play And the Dogs Went Silent, which speaks of emancipation, freedom and responsibility.
From the first he urged the emancipation and enlistment of the Southern negroes, — a policy which was ultimately adopted with successful results; and when in 1864, at the darkest hour of the struggle, there was danger of a fatal compromise, he actively promoted that great mass meeting in the hall of the Cooper Union which marked the turning - point of the struggle, carried the State of New York for Lincoln, and secured the triumph of the Union.
In his painting, Lawrence explores themes that resonate throughout his career — a preoccupation with the representation of everyday activities and an elevation of labor as a noble activity, which he relates symbolically to emancipation and unity.
Focus, curated by Gabriel Ritter, Curator and Head of Contemporary Art at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, featured 28 international galleries with solo or dual - artist presentations, which examine how technology has both mediated representation of the physical body and imagined its emancipation in contemporary art.
Focusing on photographs, collage pieces, performances, films and videos produced throughout the 1970s, the exhibition reflects a moment during which emancipation, equality and civil rights protests became part of public discourse.
The new expansion of the Focus sector, a themed section dedicated to solo or dual artists, examines the ways in which technology has mediated representation of the physical body and imagined its emancipation in contemporary art.
Beyond looking at the road trip from a nostalgic point of view, On the Road explores the idea of such a drive as a rite of passage, a journey toward emancipation on the way to a destination that may be largely unknown but which holds the promise of liberating self - discovery.
«According to these theorists, a «critical» theory may be distinguished from a «traditional» theory according to a specific practical purpose: a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human «emancipation from slavery», acts as a «liberating... influence», and works «to create a world which satisfies the needs and powers» of human beings (Horkheimer 1972, 246).»
It all sounds like a salacious story of lawyer greed until you realize that the author of the post is describing himself and that the only indication he had given the firm of his homelessness was a link to his Web site, which includes a reference to himself as a «moneyless home - free man» who «escapes impoverishment and opens pathways to emancipation and prosperity, for himself and others.»
Moreover, Scott's temporary residence outside Missouri did not bring about his emancipation under the Missouri Compromise, which the court ruled unconstitutional as it would «improperly deprive Scott's owner of his legal property.»
«In the case of blockchain technology, which is still largely immature, I'm trying to understand whether and how we can push the technology more towards the values of individual emancipation, collaboration, and disintermediation.
When one parent is paying child support, the support ends upon the child's emancipation, which is when the child can legally act as an adult.
One common reason for which a child can receive emancipation is when a parent abuses or neglects the child.
When one parent is paying child support, the support ends upon the child's emancipation, which is when the child can...
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