Sentences with phrase «embodiment of value»

Exactly... Yes, Buffett may be the perfect embodiment of value & growth, but investors should perhaps accept him for what he really is — an inspiration.
«32 He first asks if we can discover in the world of fact any adjustment for the embodiment of value.
This account of awareness is empirical because it is based on the immediate experience of the causal efficacy of the physical world; it is radically empirical because it claims to sense, in addition to the data for the five senses, the objective embodiments of values, and it senses these values «intuitively» — that is, physically by, for example, a sense of aversion or a sense of attraction.
Clearly, from the Confucian point of view, which has been most explicit about these matters, the legitimacy of rule is contingent upon the embodiment of values.
Constitutionalism serves both as a conduit for shared international and local human rights and political values and the embodiment of those values.
Crossing a field in a coonskin cap as he steals away from Camp Ivanhoe — while on the soundtrack Hank Williams sings his tragic ballad of the lovelorn wooden Indian Kaw - Liga — he seems like the perfect embodiment of the values imparted by, say, Fess Parker as Davy Crockett, except that he has arrived too late.
«Both are proven leaders who have enjoyed hugely successful careers at SEGA and the business is confident that these qualities will continue to shine through, galvanising the teams in their embodiment of the values that drive the company culture.»
Our partners are the embodiment of our values, the drivers and custodians of the business, of the culture that makes Osborne Clarke special.

Not exact matches

John's prescience, leadership and benevolence serve as a living acknowledgement and embodiment of Thomas Edison's values and principles,» Bonafilia added.
In the terms with which Oelschlaeger views us, we might be despairing of our poor embodiment of our own values if it were not that apart from those values and their implementation there is no hope for the Earth.
As we attempt to reconnect with our own history, which is after all a sacred history as far as the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faith.
To say that there is a process in the world which operates to increase the structure of value, and to that degree is the embodiment of this structure, does not necessarily imply that the process is teleological in the ordinary human sense of the word.
Is it possible that the imagistic revolution of the information age is also a sacramental revolution in which the visual forms we identify as «secular» are themselves embodiments of faiths and values that compel our deepest loyalties?
For during the past 30 years commercial television has become a powerful embodiment of form - creating and value - destroying energy in our lives.
But to be of full value for all people in all ages these insights must be understood as illustrations and particular embodiments of general aspects of universal human experience.
By enabling new flows of money, information and power on a world scale, the multinationals have succeeded in insulating themselves from both political and social constraints on their economic power, and thus have become an embodiment of the supreme value of economic efficiency over human values.
Later, Whitehead argues that meaning and value emerge from the interplay between the infinite relatedness of things and their concrete embodiment (MG 674 - 675).
Rather than depicting Jesus Christ as the example of faith, hope, and charity, Beckians depict Samuel Adams, George Washington and Ben Franklin as a sort of holy trinity, the embodiment of Christian values.
To strengthen them in the Christian sense is to help them become more effective embodiments of counter-cultural values.
The point is that New England society believed that a small number of people symbolized the deepest values and beliefs of their system as long as that elite remained faithful embodiments of those beliefs.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
After the appointment of David Moyes, Sir Bobby Charlton, the embodiment of United's values, said the club had «secured a man who is committed to the long - term and will build teams for the future as well as now... and recognises the importance of bringing young players through and developing them alongside world class talent.»
This program is truly the embodiment of ideals that Discovery Toys & our Team Members value so dearly.
The blend of children and youth, education and food ignites passions, creative energy and idealism: how we teach our children to eat and understand food is the embodiment of how we transmit values to the next generation.
Du Pont doesn't just want to use Mark to fulfil his own dreams of wrestling superstardom, which his slight frame makes unlikely, but wants to shape Tatum's beefcake into the living embodiment of his own bizarre conceptions of old - school machismo and honour, exactly the kind of rough and tumble values Dupont feels can be used to restore the United States to glory and global respect.
Through the vehicles on display and its entire booth, Subaru will showcase the embodiment and future vision of the Subaru distinctive value of «Enjoyment and Peace of mind», and provide visitors with an experience that will bring smiles to their faces.
We envision our Campus for Compassionate Living in Israel as a living embodiment of the Jewish values of empathy, responsibility, and tikkun olam (repairing the world), and of the mandate not to cause tsa'ar ba'alei hayim (the suffering of animals).
Abstraction's imperative to grant the medium priority over the subject matter allows for an exploration of the expressive capability of line as an embodiment of naturalistic form and of human values.
Rocks are valued by the Chinese for the intricacy of their shape and the degree of natural erosion; the most intricately eroded rocks are considered perfect embodiments of the transformational processes of nature.
Marking the occasion of the Faena Hotel's 10 - year anniversary, Faena Art Center commissiond the artistic collective assume vivid astro focus - a.k.a. avaf — to create a site - specific installation for revelry, participation and the celebration of community — the embodiment of the institution's values and its cultural manifesto.
Fischl has long been both fascinated and appalled by art fairs, seeing them as embodiments of the art world's existential conflict — torn between artistic and commercial values.
Eversheds Sutherland partner Michelle Davies comments: «Collier is very well liked across her team and is seen as an embodiment of the best of Shell's wider corporate values.
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