Sentences with phrase «embrace of»

That wide embrace of the universe as a sacrament of God is nourished by the pentecostal poetry of Psalm 104.
Third, like nearly every great theologian of that generation, Tillich was too unambiguous in his embrace of Marxism.
The embrace of mystery has become something of a fad among hip, young Christians, no doubt in response to the noisy type of believer who draws a straight line from his mind to God's and is constantly saying things that make us all look bad.
In Ruth's bold faith, in her journey to the new land, in her embrace of the covenant, in her marriage and motherhood, God's promises to Abraham were once more confirmed.
Embracing the Demands of Priesthood, Demanding the Embrace of Priests Leah Libresco, DeSales Blog
Third, the embrace of Wiesel and Mauriac creates a community of victims and their witnesses who wait together for God.
Mauriac's tearful embrace of the victim, Wiesel, provides us with an emblem that at once interprets the tableau in Night and becomes an apt metaphor for Christian devotion to the cross.
But even if their principled embrace of objective values and strong institutions were realized in practice, it would be incapacitated by their unqualified commitment to inclusiveness.
It is the embrace of an infinite paradox: the universe understood as an «absolute contingency.»
Sarah's laughter has been generally thought to signify her lack of faith, not her embrace of an unfathomable God.
I prefer to look to Coretta's embrace of LGBT civil rights
The report, which offers forty - three recommendations to effectuate the Supreme Court's mandate, is shocking in its enthusiastic embrace of medicalized killing.
It's the release of His joyous pleasure and sheer delight; His triumphant embrace of all created order.
What results from the foregoing is that, confronted by this technico - social embrace of the human mass, modern man, in so far as he has any clear idea of what is happening, tends to take fright as though at an impending disaster.
The campus ministry Orthodox Christian Fellowship owes its success in part to its leaders» and members» embrace of email lists, social media, and other ways of coordinating geographically scattered networks.
My sense is that younger Evangelicals may be open to reconsidering the uncritical embrace of artificial contraception that has been the norm for Protestants over the last few decades.
Simply put, there is no neutral ground from which humans form moral and political judgments because such decisions embody an embrace of this authority or that authority.
In its embrace of the politics of victimhood liberalism does a disservice both to the interests of the poor and the preservation of democracy.
Moreover «secular modernists command no following on the Islamic street», their contribution only «drives the moderate traditional majority of Muslims into the embrace of the fundamentalists.»
It, and the council's embrace of it, was an astonishing act of faith in the Holy Spirit's unfailing guidance of the Church.
What is remarkable about Leibowitz's embrace of the modern scientific outlook is that it is organically linked to his anti-humanistic conception of Judaism.
Similarly questionable is the liberal embrace of autonomy - the idea that the imperial self is to be the sole arbiter of its destiny.
Tragically, this rush to reconciliation will often guilt the victim into thinking that the harmful effects of the abuse are a result of his / her own spiritual weaknesses or failures and that a «godly response to abuse» requires the embrace of the offender while minimizing the effects of the abuse.
Instead of embracing basic platitudes about God, he was going to embrace all of the questions he was facing.
He was finally in the warm embrace of his family and friends again — but not for long.
Forever after, come what may, this cosmos has entered the embrace of reciprocity with its divine ground.
«Taken together, [Graham and White] have embodied Trump's embrace of the twinned ideologies of Christian nationalism and capitalist Christianity,» Kevin Kruse, a history professor at Princeton University and author of One Nation Under God, told CT..
Evangelical clergyman Eugene Peterson's recent embrace of same - sex marriage shows how intuitive heterodoxy can feel in a post-Christian culture.
Evangelicals in the later decades of the 20th century rejected the widespread embrace of universalism, a one - sided focus on social justice, and neglect of evangelism in the World Council of Churches and many mainline denominations.
In earlier decades, both Freudian psychoanalysis and Skinnerian behaviorism were examples of the widespread embrace of determinism on the part of psychologists.
Critics of Hinn note his embrace of the Word of Faith movement, in which believers verbally claim blessings for themselves in faith that God will provide.
It hardly seems likely Jesus meant for us to embrace all of that as a moral obligation to taxation.
«The Holy Father's embrace of new technology reminds people that the church is trying to meet people where they are, just like Jesus did.»
Its embrace of art and image link it more strongly to an iconic history than to traditional Protestant worship.
In addition to the theme of God's Word, the council also reflects the Catholic Church's embrace of twentieth - century theology of history in which God's Word is seen as inseparable from events and deeds.
However, the movie's theme is the two of us have become who we are on our own but in the gracious and loving embrace of the other.
Part of my reasoning has to do with taking notice of a small, but growing embrace of Mercersburg in the Reformed evangelical world.
The worship of the individual over the collective is a fairly modern movement in Christianity, even though Christian history is firmly orthodox and sees the «death to self» as an embrace of the collective (aka the Church, aka the Body of Christ).
This argument is not intended as a «realist» embrace of a stance implying that no moral considerations apply to governmental conduct.
That is what we are inexorably headed for, in the tightening embrace of the social determinisms.
However, offering slang and fashionable jargon as «renewed» preaching, celebrating the secular embrace of certain Christian symbols (i.e., use of crosses as warnings at highway danger points, putting Christ in Christmas, etc.), or reducing the Gospel to the lowest common denominator of acceptable faith and ethic will hardly be received by a serious world as adequate penance.
Then there was Consalvi's decades - long effort to gain local churches and the papacy as much breathing room as possible, clear of the stifling embrace of state power.
The very problem in society today is that people truly believe you are being dishonest or a hipocrit to embrace some of what BOTH have to say.
And it is a mistake to assume that the inductive method's embrace of the dialogical principle makes such preaching merely the tolerant exchange of differences and indifferences among sophisticated participants.
But this time in Oregon, the home state of the Hemlock Society, physician - assisted suicide was presented as a matter of personal autonomy, an act of Socratic dignity, the gentle embrace of death.
The medieval Scottish Catholic scholar, John Duns Scotus, challenged Thomas Aquinas's embrace of Aristotelian empiricism and reason, and inclined, rather, towards a God who was so sovereign that He was entitled to behave as irrationally as He pleased.
The chapter headings give us an overview of the work: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ: the theological project of Joseph Ratzinger; The critique of criticism: beginning the search for a new theological synthesis; The hermeneutic of faith: critical and historical foundations for a biblical theology; The spiritual science of theology: its mission and method in the life of the church; Reading God's testament to humankind: biblical realism, typology, and the inner unity of revelation; The theology of the divine economy: covenant, kingdom, and the history of salvation; The embrace of salvation: mystagogy and the transformation ofsacrifice; The cosmic liturgy: the Eucharistic kingdom and the world as temple; The authority of mystery: the beauty and necessity of the theologian's task.
This embrace of Trump caused some Christian leaders to react variously with disbelief, astonishment, despair, and, often, complete dismissal.
The Roman Catholic Brothers of Charity in Belgium have capitulated to their home country's embrace of euthanasia.
A man so recklessly devoted to his own passions that he can careen knowingly into the very embrace of hell, without wavering from the course his own character steers him on, is intrinsically interesting.
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