Sentences with phrase «embryological development of»

Polarity of this sort has been known for a long time in the embryological development of simple animals like frogs and fruit flies.

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Derrickson also skillfully provides an explanation for why Klaatu would be a bipedal hominid (an unlikely product of independent evolution on another planet)-- genetic engineering of placental tissue surrounding his original alien body, with embryological development sped up hundreds of times to transform him into a being recognizably human.
The Albertini research, while pushing the starting time earlier, joins an emerging body of research establishing the impact of polarity on embryological development.
Mammalian development was once thought to be essentially different from embryological development in fruit flies, frogs, worms, and other laboratory organisms, where well - defined polarities in the egg — higher concentrations of a protein in one part of the egg than in another, for example — ordained such fundamental aspects of body plan as head and tail, or back and belly.
A Source: Eggs, milk, liver, fish, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes Effects of deficiency: Weakened immune system, night blindness; hinders embryological development Who's at risk: Alcoholics, infants in poor countries with foods low in beta - carotene; people in Africa and Southeast Asia, where polished rice, which lacks the vitamin, is a staple Fortification options: Milk, oil, margarine Estimated millions of children affected: 140
The final section, «Order and ontogeny», explores the processes of embryological development.
Genetic and embryological studies over the past decade have informed us about the development and function of the notochord.
In the laboratory of Dr. Mintz, an eminent developmental geneticist, Dr. Jaenisch learned the embryological techniques that would lead to the development of the first transgenic mice carrying foreign sequences in all tissues — an approach that has proved to be critically important to understanding cancer, neurological and connective tissue diseases, and developmental abnormalities.
The EMA Anatomy Atlas of Mouse Development uses embryological mouse models to provide a digital atlas of mouse dDevelopment uses embryological mouse models to provide a digital atlas of mouse developmentdevelopment.
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