Sentences with phrase «emergence of modern human»

A discovery shows our early ancestors were making tools long before the emergence of the modern human lineage, researchers say.
«The emergence of modern human behavior is one of the most important debates happening now,» says archaeologist Daniela Rosso of the University of Bordeaux and University of Barcelona.
A big interactive map traces the emergence of modern humans in Africa more than 150,000 years ago and how they spread worldwide — travels that have been tracked by studying fossils, artifacts, and the DNA of humans from all over the globe.

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But prior to the emergence of human experience, what evolved, according to the modern view, were purely objective entities.
Rather, they write in a paper published online in the Journal of Anatomy, it appears the chin's emergence in modern humans arose from simple geometry: As our faces became smaller in our evolution from archaic humans to today — in fact, our faces are roughly 15 percent shorter than Neanderthals» — the chin became a bony prominence, the adapted, pointy emblem at the bottom of our face.
Modern mimic: On his blog, Evolutionary Fitness, Paleo lifestyle coach Arthur De Vany emphasizes exercises that he feels emulate «the activities that were essential to the emergence and evolution of the human species.»
If brain size had anything to do with innovation and creativity, some scientists expected to see a link between the so - called Mind's Big Bang (the emergence of bone tools and cave paintings that occurred between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago) and the emergence of modern - size human brains.
«They reinforce the unity and dynamic nature of human evolution leading up to the modern human emergence,» he added.
This was long before modern human's diaspora from Africa and even long before the evolutionary diversification of Pygmies in Central Africa and before the emergence of the hunters and gatherers of East Africa.
The emergence of antibiotic resistance in human pathogens has become a major threat to modern medicine and in particular hospitalized patients.
Its emergence has also been tracked by science studies in the contradiction between purified science and the messy process of knowledge creation, leading to Bruno Latour's troubling claim that the separation of Human and Nature was an illusion so that «we have never been modern».
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