Sentences with phrase «emergence of teeth»

The emergence of teeth is usually the culprit, not only because they may bite you but also because your baby has to latch differently with a few new additions in her mouth.
One of the most difficult periods in a child's development for many parents is the development and emergence of teeth in their baby during teething.
Either is the development of speech, or the emergence of teeth.
Those several sleepless weeks did not have anything to do with teething because the emergence of a tooth simply does not take that long.

Not exact matches

This means we will monitor or head off any growth and development discrepancies that may impede the alignment or emergence of the primary or permanent teeth.
Late timing of tooth emergence isn't something to worry about, though.
The emergence of the first teeth through babyâ $ ™ s gums can be a frustrating time for little ones (and their parents!).
Children that develop early may see the emergence of their first tooth around 3 months, but most will begin teething from month 4 to month 7.
Sabre - teeth, for example, turn out to be convergent, and Conway Morris explains why it is that the clouded leopard of Asia, Neofelis nebulosa, has developed features that could, as it evolves «presage the emergence of a new sabre - tooth,» although sadly it looks set to become extinct before this happens.
I wonder what environmental triggers cause gum cells to act in the natural environment beyond the emergence of adult teeth
As the film becomes more interested in its heroine's emergence and success rather the familiar world she inhabits, it finds its footing, but looses some of its teeth.
The eruption of the first puppy teeth, their loss, and then the subsequent emergence of the adult teeth follow a naturally occurring timeline that is very similar for puppies of all sizes / breeds.
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