Sentences with phrase «emergence theory»

This point of view is echoed by the emergence theory of psychogeny (the study of the origin of the mind), which holds that individuality is not defined genetically.
If conditions are favorable, it grows and such growth, according to at least some forms of emergence theory, is not just quantitative, it can be truly qualitative.

Not exact matches

This theory has clear systematic connections to the doctrine of propositions as «lures for feeling» which are linked with possibilities as «a line to creative emergence in the transcendent future.»
The orientation which best describes the stance of emergent evolution is neither internal nor external but a subtle interplay of both aspects; but this can make sense only if one takes into account the whole discussion of form and structure which has dominated the holistic thinking of those who speak of emergence and field theory.
However, the relevance of the imagery provided by such notions as emergence and field theory to the theological task will be judged variously.
In the 1950s, Richard Hofstadter, Daniel Bell, and others employed this theory to explain the emergence of a political right wing in American public life.
After Lewis Ford's genetic investigations in The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics, I think there can be little question that Whitehead intended his theory of perception to be independent of his system.3 Ford calls PR II.4.5 - 8 & II.8 the «Original Treatise on Perception» and shows that Symbolism is a revision of it.
The theory most scientists currently favor for the origins of life is called «abiogenesis,» the gradual emergence of life on Earth from non-living matter.
The result can be the emergence of a new dominant idea (the idea of «covenant» in the Puritan case), a new model or metaphor for thinking about moral obligations (contractarian metaphors in Lockean theory), or a new form underlying the relations among ideological elements (individual conscience as a decoupling mechanism).
Hartshorne says that Whitehead's «theory of the enduring individual as a «society» of occasions, interlocked with other such individuals into societies of societies, is the first complete emergence of the compound individual into technical terminology.
If evolution is a fact and if the most basic meaning of evolution is that the complex forms of life emerge from the simple, how can the dualistic forms of evolutionary theory account for the emergence of the human mind from inert lifeless matter, the animate from the inanimate?
This hierarchical model has the advantage of being congruent with the theory of societies and with the notion of holistic emergence.
In the living organism he saw the key to a genetic structuralism; what the genetic theory of cognition wants to analyze by the term psychogenesis is specifically the emergence of the so - called knowing, intelligent subject from the preliminary stages of biological organization; that is, the step - by - step ensuing construction of symbolic conceptual structures and thinking structures, following from the sensori - motor performance basis of cognition.
Modernization theory views such processes of institutional change within American religion as the alleged differentiation of private piety from public policy, the growing differentiation of secular education from its religious roots, and the emergence of professional therapy as a distinct alternative to pastoral counseling as bellwether trends in advanced industrial societies generally and suggests that they may be in some way influenced by broader international patterns.
This abrupt turn from a causal theory of consciousness to talk about emergent properties not only leaves the puzzle about causality dangling, it compounds the mystery by evoking still more elementary puzzles about the meaning of emergence and evolution, as well as about how and where to locate sentience in an evolving «physical world.»
The theory, suggested by astrophysicist Brandon Carter in the 1980s, assumes set timescales for two processes: the life cycle of a star, and the emergence of complex life.
The emergence of the new H1N1 flu strain has demonstrated the effectiveness of existing systems to watch for human flu outbreaks while also proving a long - standing theory that pigs could serve as mixing vessels for a pandemic virus.
The Great Flu Conspiracy Conspiracy theories abound during pandemics, and now, with the emergence of H1N1, the Internet is propelling the paranoia to new heights.
Current theory holds that the southern hemisphere saw the emergence of the egg - laying monotremes, which then crossed into South America, where they eventually died out.
Theories about the emergence of life suggest that increasingly complex carbon - based chemistry led to self - replicating molecules — and, eventually, the appearance of the first cellular life forms.
Expanding the size of the simulation will allow the team to test an alternate theory for the emergence of galactic wind in disk galaxies like M82.
Findings from the study support a controversial theory proposed in the 1940s that the emergence of new body shapes in groups of species could result in a surge in their evolution.
The theory concerns the emergence and acquisition of schemata - schemes of how one perceives the world - in «developmental stages», times when children are acquiring new ways of mentally representing information.
«Theories have been in circulation for decades, but it wasn't until the emergence of today's computer processing power that the model has become feasible,» comments Schirrmeister.
The emergence of the formula probably doesn't signal anything profound about quantum theory, cautions Bruno Nachtergaele, a mathematical physicist at the University of California, Davis, and editor of the journal in which the paper was published.
We present the discovery of Kepler - 421b, a Uranus - sized exoplanet transiting a G9 / K0 dw... ▽ More In most theories of planet formation, the snow - line represents a boundary between the emergence of the interior rocky planets and the exterior ice giants.
One of the most prominent theories is that, before the emergence of DNA, the earliest forms of life used RNA to transmit their genetic codes.
The emergence of various theories both in favor and defiance of MOOCs hang in a balance with an abstinence from shifting towards an absolute definition.
Cognitive scientists» skepticism of grouping students stems, in large part, from the emergence of various theories on «learning styles.»
Category: Africa, Asia, Central America, English, English, Environmental Sustainability, Europe, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, North America, Oceania, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Welcome from Director, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: 21st century, amino - acids, autopoietic, biomimetic symbiosis, biomimicry, biosphere, capitalism, civilization, Climate Change, co-evolution, Cooperation, cosmo - bio-genetic, Earth, ecological bioethics, ecological systems, emergence, english, Environment, evolution, Gaia theory, global citizenship, global citizenship education, globalization, human being, Human nature, Human Rights, humanifesto, International Human Solidarity Day, life, living beings, macrocosm, microcosm, Mother Earth, Pachamama, paradigm, post-2015 Development Agenda, reconciliation, social darwinism, solidarity, spiritual, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, symbiogenetics alliances, symbiosis, trans - dimensional, United Nations, world - society
He examines important elements in the making of a national literature, including the political and literary public sphere, the theory and practice of literary criticism, and the emergence of academic criticism as literary history.
«The parallel you see is also in TV content: there were theories that the emergence of YouTube would ring the death knell for quality content — but now we have House of Cards and Game of Thrones.
The young artist was also informed by the emergence of formalist theory as a major innovating force within British sculpture, as exemplified by the work of Anthony Caro, with whom Hoyland was to become a collaborator and close friend.
The group exhibition explores «emergence,» the theory that says unforeseeable results happen when a system reaches a certain level of complexity.
Vidler traces the emergence of a psychological idea of space from Pascal and Freud to the identification of agoraphobia and claustrophobia in the nineteenth century to twentieth - century theories of spatial alienation and estrangement in the writings of Georg Simmel, Siegfried Kracauer, and Walter Benjamin.
Dimitrijević holds an MA degree in History and Theory of Art from the University of Kent (UK) and has received his PhD in Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies from the University of Arts in Belgrade with the thesis entitled «Utopian Consumerism — Emergence and Incongruities of Consumer Culture in Socialist Yugoslavia».
In fact, he had prophesied the emergence of such works as early as 1947, when he called for «the development of a bland, large, balanced Apollonian art in which passion does not fill in the gaps left by faulty or omitted application of theory but takes off from where the most advanced theory stops, and in which an intense detachment informs all.»
«In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions,» they write in the exhibition statement.
Despite all claims of objectivity, scientists can be as stubborn as the rest of humanity, and the wide acceptance of truly radical theories often awaits the emergence of a new generation of scientists.
Heck, even peer pressure in scientific elites, a far weaker force than a full - on culture, managed to delay the proper emergence of the theory of continental - drift / tectonics for several decades, with pretty much the entire geological establishment against it at one point, despite a six year old child could see that the east coast of South America matched the west coast of Africa.
Also, the theory exists to explain the changes in behaviour from the atomic scale to the fluid scale, but it doesn't exist to explain the emergence of properties on the climate scale.
Susan Block - Lieb Cooper Chair in Urban Legal Issues Established in 1999 Professor Block - Lieb writes on a wide range of topics that include sovereign debt, the emergence and evolution of international lawmaking on trade and commerce, and new theories of transnational legal orders.
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