Sentences with phrase «emergency action because»

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You skewed my words regarding «managing» my birth... the whole point of the midwife is to alert the mother of the possibility of a problem, just like an OB so then a proper course of action can be taken... I was merely saying that they don't think of birth as a medical emergency from the beginning, requiring things that are unnecessary, like constant monitoring because it's easier than intermittent monitoring, or restricting maternal intake because the doctor could get puked on, or have fecal matter excreted during delivery is selfish (and yes, I know, the mother could aspirate, but the rate of that is low too... and I'm not saying they need to eat a steak dinner... but denying a drink of water, or a popsicle during a long labor is just ridiculous, as is rushing a natural process for convenience sake.)
And before someone goes nuts because SOMETIMES there are emergencies and action needs to be taken before a calm, nice discussion can be had, that's not what I'm talking about.
At the same time, Sharif declared a state of emergency in Pakistan because of the «hostile» actions of its neighbor.
This decision is mostly a victory for the pro-environmental side, because it means the E.P.A. regulations will take effect (barring the very unlikely events of rehearing by the full D.C. Circuit, emergency intervention by the Supreme Court, or Congressional action).
And the reason why they've been demanding immediate, emergency action (for decades) is because they feel like masked gunmen standing in front of a bank, holding bags of taxpayer cash, with sirens approaching.
Or a sports contest will injure a child who can not receive adequate treatment because of an inadequate or altogether missing emergency action plan.
If you or a loved one has been harmed because your believe negligence occurred due to the actions of emergency room nurses, doctors or other staff, you need the assistance of an Orange County medical malpractice attorney who can evaluate your case to determine if there is a claim for compensation.
This means that if a terrorist decides to unleash a nuclear attack where you are intending to travel or are already traveling, your cancellation, your emergency medical treatment, your evacuations, etc. will not be covered by your travel insurance plan — even if it's defined as a terrorist action simply because of the type of incident.
Because you can not control everything around you, including the actions of other students, you should invest in a level of security for those emergency moments.
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