Sentences with phrase «emergency birth control»

Emergency contraception (EC), sometimes known as the «morning - after pill» or emergency birth control, is a safe and effective means of preventing pregnancy.
Emergency contraception is also known as the morning - after pill, emergency birth control, backup birth control, and by the brand names Plan B One - Step, ella, and Next Choice.
Research shows that over-the-counter access to emergency contraception does not increase or encourage sexual activity among teens, and better access to proven prevention methods like accurate sex education and emergency birth control are the best ways to reduce the alarming rate of teen pregnancy in this country.
Emergency birth control pills are also known as Plan B, morning after pills and emergency contraception, which you take these after having unwanted or unprotected sex to help prevent pregnancy.
Increasing amounts of academic studies show that in the population as a whole promiscuity increases, the absolute amount of condom failures increase, etc. etc. (cf. Professor Paton's The Economics of Secret Abortions and Emergency Birth Control, Faith July» 07).
The response of the last government was essentially more of the same: earlier and more detailed sex education, family planning clinics in schools, promotion of emergency birth control (otherwise known as the «morning after pill») easier access to abortion, all without the need for parental consent even in the case of underage girls.
Even Anna Glazier, a health expert and a strong proponent of greater access to the morning - after pill, stated in early 2006 in an editorial in the British Medical Journal that greater access to emergency birth control has failed to cut pregnancy and abortion rates.
Despite this, she along with many other advisers to the Government, continue to advocate still wider access to emergency birth control.
The paper concludes: «Irrespective of either the matching or the adjustment procedure, we are unable to find evidence that schemes allowing emergency birth control leads to reductions in teenage pregnancy rates» — in other words, whichever way we looked at the data, there was no evidence that confidential pharmacy EBC schemes lead to reductions in teenage pregnancy rates.
Emergency birth control

Not exact matches

Birth control, condoms and emergency contraception have all served their purpose in my life, because each work in different preventative ways.
But religious organizations, such as Christian colleges and universities, are still in court over coverage of emergency contraception and artificial birth control.
The regulations exempt employers who object to treatments like birth control pills, emergency contraception, and sterilization due to «sincerely held religious beliefs» or «moral convictions.»
The colleges are among many evangelical and Catholic groups — most notably the Little Sisters of the Poor — who challenged the Obamacare requirement that employers» heath plans include emergency contraception, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other birth control.
A mom, for example, who's very anxious about a past emergency or planned vaginal birth that did not work out, is extremely afraid of vaginal birth, or has a history of unresolved sexual abuse trauma can feel reassured by her perceived sense of predictability and controlled surgical procedure in having a C - section.
Some common triggers, according to the Birth Trauma Association, are: lengthy labor or short and very painful labor, induction, poor pain relief, feelings of loss of control, high levels of medical intervention, traumatic or emergency deliveries (e.g. emergency cesarean section), impersonal treatment or problems with staff attitudes, not being listened to, lack of information or explanation, lack of privacy and dignity, fear for baby's safety, stillbirth, birth injuries to the baby, NICU stay, poor postpartum care, previous trauma (such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, trauma with a previous biBirth Trauma Association, are: lengthy labor or short and very painful labor, induction, poor pain relief, feelings of loss of control, high levels of medical intervention, traumatic or emergency deliveries (e.g. emergency cesarean section), impersonal treatment or problems with staff attitudes, not being listened to, lack of information or explanation, lack of privacy and dignity, fear for baby's safety, stillbirth, birth injuries to the baby, NICU stay, poor postpartum care, previous trauma (such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, trauma with a previous bibirth injuries to the baby, NICU stay, poor postpartum care, previous trauma (such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, trauma with a previous birthbirth).
Emergency Contraception: Methods that are used to prevent pregnancy after a woman has had sex without birth control, after the method she used has failed, or if a woman is raped.
Ceal assured us that she and her assistant always go to births prepared with things needed in certain situations — oxygen for mother or baby, medications to control bleeding after the birth if needed, IV supplies for the mother in case she needs to be transferred to the hospital in an emergency.
Another very practical benefit of breastfeeding during emergencies is that it can serve as the only form of birth control available, helping to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
Her State of the City will also call for free birth control for all women in the five boroughs, universal free school lunch, $ 22 million for the Emergency Food Assistance program and new diversity and sex education programs in public schools.
While the move has been welcomed by many as an important step toward healthcare equality for women, religious groups are critical of the plans to support birth - control measures, particularly for drugs such as ulipristal acetate, an emergency contraceptive which can be used up to five days after sex.
Despite being publicly funded... many Catholic hospitals refuse to provide infertility treatments, birth control, abortion, and emergency contraception to rape victims....
That means most private plans must cover the 18 methods of contraception approved by the FDA (including hormonal methods like birth control pills and vaginal rings, barrier methods like diaphragms, implanted devices, emergency contraception, and sterilization) as well as counseling appointments related to birth control.
(or one of the kinder, more compassionate solutions anyway) Beyond the obvious religious implications inherent in a discussion like this, what would be the scientific, pragmatic, emergency related mandate on curbing human population outside of voluntary birth control?
For example, they don't have to provide free preventive care or free birth control, and they can charge you more if you go to an emergency room that isn't in their provider network.
The 411: Since 1994, The Emergency Contraception Website has been a leading support system for women, providing them with valuable information about birth control and a searchable database of emergency contraception providers inEmergency Contraception Website has been a leading support system for women, providing them with valuable information about birth control and a searchable database of emergency contraception providers inemergency contraception providers in the U.S.
In addition to routine contraception, Emergency Contraception (EC) is a safe, effective back - up birth control method that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.
Although 56 % of women requested emergency contraception for condom or other birth control method failure, only 1 % requested ECs for future use.
Emergency contraception (EC) is a safe, effective back - up birth control method that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.
Pregnancy testing, Birth Control pick up and Emergency Contraception are available on a walk - in basis during business hours.
In addition to offering transgender hormone provision, we also offer primary care, cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual exams, pregnancy testing, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care and more in an affirming environment.
Colon cancer screenings Pregnancy testing and options counseling STD testing and treatment Birth control and emergency contraception Miscarriage care
Chat online now or text «PPNOW» to 774636 (PPINFO) to get answers about pregnancy, birth control, emergency contraception, STDs, and abortion.
«Planned Parenthood is leading the charge to ensure access to this important backup birth control method — last year alone, Planned Parenthood provided more than 1.2 million women with emergency contraception to prevent unintended pregnancy.»
DENVER — If you have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina, you qualify for FREE services at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, including birth control (no exam necessary), emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, testing for breast and cervical cancer, sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, HIV testing, and abortion services.
«With as many as 750,000 teens becoming pregnant each year, it is time for all of us to take action and ensure our young people have information on and access to affordable birth control, including emergency contraception,» Richards said.
Our services include birth control, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, treatment and HPV vaccine services, breast and cervical cancer screenings, well - person exams, pregnancy testing and options counseling, in - clinic abortion and abortion pill, gender - affirming hormone therapy, HIV testing and counseling, PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis), emergency contraception, and more essential services.
This important legislation protects women's access to basic, preventive health care and ensures that women will not be denied birth control or emergency contraception at the pharmacy counter.
In addition to offering transgender hormone provision, we also offer an affirming environment for cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual exams, pregnancy testing, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care, and more.
Emergency contraception is a safe and effective form of birth control that can prevent pregnancy if taken within five days of unprotected sex.
PPCW provides a wide range of education programs and healthcare services, including lifesaving cancer screenings, birth control, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, emergency contraception, gynecological check - ups and Pap tests, breast exams, pregnancy testing and options information, and health counseling.
«Emergency contraception is a safe, effective backup birth control option that every woman should have in her medicine cabinet and know how to use,» said Planned Parenthood Federation of America Vice President for Medical Affairs Vanessa Cullins, M.D. «Planned Parenthood is committed to educating women and couples about emergency contraception and all their birth control optionEmergency contraception is a safe, effective backup birth control option that every woman should have in her medicine cabinet and know how to use,» said Planned Parenthood Federation of America Vice President for Medical Affairs Vanessa Cullins, M.D. «Planned Parenthood is committed to educating women and couples about emergency contraception and all their birth control optionemergency contraception and all their birth control options.»
Planned Parenthood led the charge on several critical women's health and rights victories, including: the creation of the birth control pill and the development of the IUD; the legalization of birth control and abortion care; insurance coverage for contraception; public awareness and availability of emergency contraception; ensuring that pharmacies fill prescriptions for birth control; and coverage without co-pays of the full range of FDA - approved contraceptive methods.
If you need emergency contraception because you made a mistake with your birth control pills, patch, ring, or shot, ella might not work as well as Plan B.
On Mondays and Thursdays, we accept walk - ins for pregnancy testing, STI testing, birth control refills, HIV testing, and emergency contraception.
It is 2007 — any woman should be able to walk into any pharmacy, anywhere in the country, and get birth control, including emergency contraception, without discrimination or delay,» said PPFA President Cecile Richards.
Studies show that women do not rely on emergency contraception as a regular method of birth control.
So if you use withdrawal for birth control, think about keeping emergency contraception (aka the morning - after pill) in your medicine cabinet, just in case ejaculate (cum) gets in or near your vagina.
Women should be able to walk into any pharmacy, anywhere in the country, and get birth control, including emergency contraception, without discrimination or delay,» said Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Emergency contraception is birth control you can use to prevent pregnancy up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex.
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