Sentences with phrase «emergency financing»

Traditional term loans usually offer longer payment terms and lower monthly payments than short - term loans and other forms of emergency financing.
An often overlooked method of emergency financing, mobile payday loans are an effective method of keeping afloat when you really need money right now.
While short - term loans can be a more expensive way to borrow, they are also a very accessible and fast way to access emergency finance and may not be quite as costly as their APRs would suggest.
Many of the insurance companies making the marginal commercial mortgage loans had come to AIG seeking emergency financing.
But that budget has been so eroded by inflation that the operation could be cut in half without emergency financing from Congress, government scientists say.
When the soaring inflation and energy costs threatened the survival of thousands of private apartment buildings in the 1970s, FHA's emergency financing kept cash - strapped properties afloat.
Emergency orders may be requested if the bankruptcy filer needs to hire certain professionals or request certain types of emergency financing.
While national leaders postured and pursued their parochial interests, Mr. Draghi, told reporters at the central bank's headquarters that he would conduct «two longer - term refinancing operations» (in plain English, emergency financing) for cash - starved banks for three years instead of one year.
Therefore, do not be embarrassed about your need to obtain this emergency financing.
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