Sentences with phrase «emergent phenomenon of»

Some scientists think that subway networks are an emergent phenomenon of large cities; each network is the product of hundreds of rational but uncoordinated decisions that take place over many years.
As an amateur science - fiction writer, I was excited to read that the difficulty in detecting dark matter may be due to it — or gravity — being an emergent phenomenon of a suite of particles (18 March, p 28).
We have discussed cultural evolution in human societies as an emergent phenomenon of biological evolution.

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Any non-linear system (e.g. most chemical systems) in an environment with a flow of energy (earth is a great example) will generate emergent phenomena both mathematically and physically.
The bottom line is, objective exploration always reveals physical cause of complex emergent phenomena, and has never found supernatural cause.
Thus it is crucial that we focus our discussion here on the question of the ontological status, (that is the question of the «reality») of life and mind, the most obvious instances of allegedly «emergent» phenomena.
Modern understanding of human behavior and sociology recognizes morality as an emergent phenomenon.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has made much of this in his widely read The Phenomenon of Man, but long before the publication of that volume C. Lloyd - Morgan in his Gifford lectures had indicated the significance of such «emergents», along with the «importance» (although this is not his, but Whitehead's, word) which they possess both in the ongoing movement of the world and as a way of our grasping of the meaning of that world in its on going movement.
It proposes that this «spiritual» dimension is an emergent phenomenon from the complexity of the brain, just as nature is shot through with unities having holistic properties.
It is ironic and telling that within a few days of writing a post about how young people seem to be gravitating toward either neo-Reformed theology or the emerging church, I should come across a piece by Dan Kimball in which he speaks of the emerging / emergent phenomenon in the past tense.
This transformed human community forms a living organism, a biological phenomenon which we conceive to be the next stage in the emergent evolution of the world, and the incarnation of the divine Word.
That God's love, manifest in diverse ways throughout the duration of the universe, might come to a full and unsurpassable self - expression in an individual human being who lived and died in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago does not seem incongruous with what we now understand about the nature of an evolving universe, especially if we regard religion as a phenomenon emergent from the universe rather than just something done on the earth by cosmically homeless human subjects.
Hence he claims that consciousness is no more mysterious than other emergent properties of natural functioning — it is a biological phenomenon (comparable with growth, digestion, or the secretion of bile), and «thus... part of the ordinary physical world» (MC 60).
The emergent phenomena, life and mind, are obvious illustrations of this fleetingness.
According to the ideas of emergence and value that we have presented there is a fragility in the universe that appears in direct proportion to the degree of intensity and complexity of emergent phenomena.
In such theories, what we perceive as the space - time that bends and warps smoothly in the presence of matter is merely an emergent phenomenon masking more radical behaviour on small scales.
«Ideas are a product of society,» an emergent phenomenon, Hillis told me, «which are almost inevitable.»
There's already plenty of evidence that space and time are secondary, so - called emergent phenomena.
Nevertheless, he insists that scientists can discover profound new laws by investigating complex, emergent phenomena, which can not be understood in terms of their individual components.
Perhaps the big advance will spring from physicists» quest for a theory of everything; from studies of «emergent» phenomena with many moving parts, such as ecologies and economies; from advances in computers and mathematics; from nanotechnology, biotechnology, and other applied sciences; or from investigations of how brains make minds.
«Emergent phenomena in topological physics are probably all around us — even in a piece of rock,» says Zahid Hasan, a physicist at Princeton University in New Jersey.
More recently, Verlinde suggested an alternative called «emergent gravity,» in which gravity is a byproduct of quantum fluctuations and dark energy (another scarcely understood phenomenon, one that seems to be causing the universe's expansion to accelerate).
A detailed understanding of the physics of individual atoms interacting with each other at the microscopic level can lead to the discovery of novel emergent phenomena, help guide the synthesis of new materials, and even aid future drug development.
Explores the electronic structure and electrodynamics of topological insulators and strongly correlated electron systems, with particular attention to emergent phenomena, such as superconductivity and magnetism, using angle - resolved photoemission (ARPES) and optical spectroscopy.
His research focuses on the use of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering to elucidate complex behavior in materials exhibiting emergent phenomena.
Blockbusters are an emergent phenomenon completely disconnected from what members of the public consider to be culturally worthwhile or how they define literary quality.
As in all of her work, Donovan spends months or even years searching for a method of assembly that allows the simple and immutable characteristics of the chosen material to generate complex, emergent phenomena which keep the viewer cycling between perception of the parts and the whole between the forms themselves and the light that surrounds and divides them.
The show's title is inspired by a very specific emergent phenomenon, «neuromast,» which is the sensory organ that allows fish to effectively behave in unison against the threat of predators.
Donovan spends months or even years searching for a method of assembly that allows the simple and immutable characteristics of her chosen material to generate complex, emergent phenomena.
As in all of her works, Donovan spends months or even years searching for a method of assembly that allows the simple and immutable characteristics of the chosen material to generate complex, emergent phenomena.
However, the question is how much of the perceived convergence in range of uncertainty for future SLR is based on robust knowledge, and how much is an emergent social phenomenon.
The cosmos has the property of emergent phenomena.
Earth already has a very complicated but natural system of climate temperature control, technically referred to as emergent climate phenomena, which have the result that catastrophic global warming can not occur.
If the column of air is not isothermal, that is an emergent phenomenon in the presence of several things:
Instead of simply nit - picking one sentence of Willis» essay on emergent climate phenomena, why don't you try refuting the message?
While abrupt climate change is regarded as a possibility based upon paleoclimatic evidence of previous events, climate models are incapable of producing such emergent phenomena.
Andy == > We'll have to leave out the classification of religion in with such things as CAGW or HPV vaccination advocacy or opposition or other emergent cultural phenomena.
«Each of these subsystems has a host of known and unknown forcings, interactions, phase transitions, limitations, resonances, couplings, response times, feedbacks, natural cycles, emergent phenomena, constructal constraints, and control systems.
One of the many problems with building GCMs is that Earth's climate system includes a number of «emergent phenomena» which only appear when certain conditions occur.
An unintended consequence of this strategy is that there has been very little left over for true climate modeling innovations and fundamental research into climate dynamics and theory — such research would not only support amelioration of deficiencies and failures in the current climate modeling systems, but would also lay the foundations for disruptive advances in our understanding of the climate system and our ability to predict emergent phenomena such as abrupt climate change.
One interesting idea is that it results from Earth's formidable system of natural temperature - regulating emergent phenomena, particularly near the oceanic tropics, where much of the sun's energy enters the climate system.
The article builds upon the Breakthrough Institute's «Energy Emergence: Rebound and Backfire as Emergent Phenomena», a comprehensive literature review pointing to the expert consensus and evidence that below - cost energy efficiency measures drive a rebound in energy consumption that erodes much of expected energy savings.
They are fighting a bit of an uphill battle as coding is a language skill and learning it is an emergent phenomenon based on having a great context and environment in which to do so collaboratively.
The essence of our emergent understanding of this phenomena is briefly summarized in the following pages.
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