Sentences with phrase «emerging authors like»

Angie, what a great idea, and what a great service, particularly for emerging authors like me.

Not exact matches

CMO of Branderati and author of Think Like Zuck, EKaterina Walter explores the emerging employee...
CMO of Branderati and author of Think Like Zuck, EKaterina Walter explores the emerging employee advocacy movement in this post: Want to find brand ambassadors?
Babies are born with the ability to learn and use language, a feature of human behavior that, like other behavioral capabilities, emerged from eons of biological evolution — a scientific explanation that author Tom Wolfe rejects in his new book, The Kingdom of Speech.
«I was taught that SCAD was rare and the causes entirely unknown, but through our partnership with SCAD survivors and their families, clues are emerging that may change that,» says Sharonne Hayes, M.D., senior author and cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. «We know from previous research that SCAD occurs most often in younger women with no or minimal cardiovascular risk factors, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Yet even at two - and - a-half hours, the first installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling's conclusion to the saga of an orphaned wizard destined to battle a Hitler - like menace, sacrifices some particulars of the author's story but emerges as the most faithful adaptation in the series.
With the benefit of significant research on this topic (much of it by the authors of these guidelines) and sobered, like them, by the «hype cycles and the techno - romance of emerging technologies» (Hicks et al., 2014, para. 5), social studies scholars today have a better informed and more theoretically sophisticated perspective concerning the affordances and challenges of digital technologies in social studies teacher preparation than once was the case.
As the plot progresses, the author gradually reveals the many factors that contributed to the tragedy; the details of Lydia's life slowly emerge to form a complete picture — almost like a Polaroid sharpening from a faded image into a crystal clear photo.
Companies like Libboo have emerged to give authors the ability to engage with readers and help those readers become part of the discovery process.
Just as the industry has embraced hybrid authors and hybrid publishers, companies like Paper Lantern Lit and its resulting publishing arm The Studio, co-founded by Lexa Hillyer and bestselling author Lauren Oliver, have emerged to work with these authors in a one - on - one capacity.
The author hinted, with no factual support, that Susan's desire to be a star might have made her willing to do anything to land a plumb role with an emerging talent like Parker.
Like an actor typecast after a blockbuster, an author who has a best - selling series right out of the gate can have difficulty emerging from its shadow.
Finally — and most importantly — you need to emerge from obscurity and become a recognised author by the clever use of social networks like Twitter.
In a world where Amazon is knocking out hundreds of emerging authors every year, it becomes increasingly difficult for emerging authors to be discovered, so we need to think about how we build brands like John Grisham, James Patterson,» he said, revealing he is a fan of Bernard Cornwell, author of the swashbuckling Richard Sharpe novels.
It's a place where a blissed conversation between readers and authors emerges through slow reading — just like a Japanese traditional tea room.
Initially, this author emerged as part of the Young British Artists group alongside the likes of Damien Hirst and Sarah Lucas.
The authors involved have long and recognized careers - as Carmen Laffón or Soledad Sevilla - along with emerging artists in mature stages of their production, like Ángeles Agrela, Marisa Mancilla, Marina Vargas or María Ortega.
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