Sentences with phrase «emerging community»

Our purpose is to bring together community assets to address current and emerging community needs.
The mission of the USC Ross Minority Program in Real Estate is to enable members of minority groups and those that invest time, talent and financial resources in emerging communities to establish a foundation toward becoming leaders in real estate finance and development.
Swarm Fund's digital channels describe the platform's emerging community as «empowering» and «decentralized.»
The concern with Christ and Scripture also prompts a concern with the church — identified both with ecclesiastical institutions and with emerging communities committed to the struggle for freedom.
The Library Foundation exists to support Multnomah County Library's leadership and innovation and help the library address emerging community needs through private support.
The last day, Saturday, December 1st, will be for a presentation about work with local communities in Brasil by Piracema Design; another about design for emerging communities; and there will be a discussion workshop to close the symposium.
«The Brooklyn Young Democrats are emerging community leaders and a positive force for change.
Worldwide About Blog The mission of The Shakespeare Standard is to foster and celebrate these communities online, and to drive the conversation among these communities and their members, believing that this conversation will constitute a modern living playhouse, where ideas, images, discussion, debates, current events, arts, and individuals forge a new and emerging community comprised of the disparate parts.
This Board works closely with the Executive Director to ensure that FCS services remain high quality yet affordable as well as responsive to emerging community needs.
As members of the cryptocurrency community look to curb fraud and exploitation in the emerging community, Harry Denley has come up with a rather old - school solution: JavaScript.
He has my admiration as a pioneer of the Emerging Church... which has turned out to be an emerging community of equal voices.
The traditional denominations could benefit from the creative energy of the emerging churches, while the emerging communities could benefit from the rich resources and history of the larger body.
Susan Witt, who runs the invaluable Schumacher Society, offers a variety of possible mechanisms for supporting an emerging community economics, such as local currencies and community loans.
Instead of following the Greek - influenced idea of orthodoxy as right belief... the emerging community is helping us to rediscover the more Hebraic and mystical notion of the orthodox Christian as one who believes in the right way - that is, believing in a loving, sacrificial and Christlike manner.»
About Alys Beach Offering an unrivaled sense of escape, Alys Beach is an emerging community nestled along Northwest Florida's Scenic Highway 30A.
The emerging community of organic consumers in California represented a vital economic and health - oriented marketplace that was socially responsible, while also allowing for the challenging realities of family farms.
Environmental education as teacher education: Melancholic reflections from an emerging community of practice
The latest is Tumblr which frankly, if it is anything other than a service provider is a network or maybe, at a stretch, a social network and perhaps, an emerging community (but a very fractured and erratic one).
Currently, Arcadia is working with leaders from the emerging community of San Pedro, Belize.
She'll bring data and stories from the center of these institutions and the front lines of emerging communities.
Elsewhere's artist residency program invites creatives from all disciplines to create site - specific projects that respond to an emerging community and a 58 - year collection of surplus and thrift materials that serve as resources for creative and critical projects.
She presents exhibitions with a global perspective, working with an emerging community of artists from Latin America and the Middle East.
A defining presence in the emerging community of women artists in the 1960s and 70s, Wilke developed a unique and controversial visual language in response to her own and women s experience.
Via NYU's Studio 35, a renowned work - and - lecture space (1948 - 50), Leslie entered an emerging community of avant - garde artists, dancers and thinkers.
In the 1970s, Nengudi worked in Los Angeles as part of an emerging community of African American artists that engaged with multiple radical political movements underway in the United States and around the globe, including the Black Power movement and the feminist movement.
The emerging community of organic consumers in California represented a vital economic and health - oriented marketplace that was socially responsible, while also allowing for the challenging realities of family farms.
As members of the cryptocurrency community look to curb fraud and exploitation in the emerging community, Harry Denley has come up with a rather old - school solution: JavaScript.
Meanwhile, the bitcoin community gorged on schadenfreude and irony as it emerged that
«Enterprise Ethereum Alliance also fosters collaboration within the emerging community of blockchain developers.
«Volusia is an emerging community and getting more attorneys trained and a more get trained you will see more cases,» Kelly said.
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