Sentences with phrase «emerging developments»

Your inside view into emerging developments in litigation and compliance.
The interactive workshops are an opportunity for solicitors to hear about emerging developments in the area of business and human rights, and changing expectations of law firms.
To discuss emerging developments, trends and issues of major common concern to both global and regional Higher Education.
The plan proposes that one - third of waterfront development be dedicated to public parkland, making it consistent with emerging development plans in Kingston, Sleepy Hollow and Beacon.
The Firm has provided legal opinion on emerging developments in Internet Crime, Domestic Assault allegations, Financial and Sex Crimes in Toronto.
Litigation Insider is your trusted source for insights into emerging developments and market intelligence in the world of litigation — enabling you to see current legal trends and opportunities that will give you the edge you need to make informed decisions and grow your practice.
Emerging Trends and Developments: The industry is diverse, encompassing many positive trends and emerging developments such as the growth of P2P / marketplace lenders, mainstream adoption of crowdsourced platforms (eg., Airbnb) and increasing popularity of blockchain powered «Crowdsales» (or Initial Coin Offerings), as well as the launch of OSCs Fintech Launchpad initiative.
Keeping up - to - date is essential because even though the legal system is often placed in the unenviable position of reacting to emerging developments rather than adopting proactive stances to head off controversies, if leaders can implement sound AUPs, they may be able to avoid costly litigation when disputes arise over the use of technology in schools.
The chief inspector of schools» intervention into the running of seven London schools shines a light onto several emerging developments in the Prevent strategy for countering violent extremism.
Indie developers can run the gamut from artists, to academic researchers, to students, to emerging development studios striving to make the next big indie hit.
Nanda and his colleague Andrew Fehr, of North Raven Consulting, were able to pull the data on emerging developments from the Alberta government's record of lease sales.
Law Insider is your trusted source to reveal emerging developments in litigation and compliance and deliver market intelligence that gives you the edge.
A member of CoinDesk's full - time Editorial Staff since 2014, Stan has long been at the forefront of covering emerging developments in blockchain technology.
Comprehensive An important forum for emerging developments and debates in applied behavior modification, Behavior Modification offers research and clinical articles, treatment manuals, program descriptions, review articles, assessment and modification techniques, theoretical discussions, group comparison designs, and book and media reviews of significant literature in the field.
As someone who teaches and advises in the field and has an obligation to keep current with emerging developments, given the significant rate of change in the last ten years, I could not imagine how a director of a company could remain current without ongoing requirements rather than passing familiarity or osmosis (I am speaking here of directors who have chosen not to upgrade their education).
Compliance Insider is your trusted source for insights into emerging developments and market intelligence in the world of compliance and risk — enabling you to see current trends and applicable compliance requirements, giving you the edge you need to comply with confidence.
Signs of Pacific Park changes emerged last Friday, when a hastily - scheduled meeting of the Atlantic Yards Community Development Corporation — a state advisory body — hinted at an emerging development.
Because of some recent produce product recalls in the news, traceability is an emerging development in the produce industry.
But mostly the South African media has been sober and measured in its reporting and its analysis of emerging developments.
«Fifth, is innovative mobilization and use of external resources in the emerging development finance landscape.»
Laura Overton, CEO at Towards Maturity, talks about assessing an emerging development by whether it meets a need:
The night also provided an opportunity to share the emerging development of the CTTL's Mind, Brain, and Education Science Research Engagement Framework.
The updates may consist of program and service statistics, emerging developments, financial or budgetary updates, events and accomplishments and proposed goals or objectives for the department.
Founded and managed directly by Ottawa's fast - growing gaming industry, the events focus on building business relationships, sharing best practices and continuing to establish the city as an emerging development centre with both international and local speakers, a showcase of games and technologies, and an opportunity for new talent to connect with studios.
These emerging developments are important because they have the potential to create both opportunities and disruption in many areas of interest to CALL / ACBD members, including public service roles and those in related data fields like cataloguing and legal database development.
But many reporters are really looking for someone who has legal training to respond to an emerging development, not for the world's leading expert.
He is extraordinarily conversant about current and emerging developments in legal knowledge as well as the delivery of law library services.
For years, the FTC has asserted vigorously its authority to apply existing consumer protection laws to emerging developments in the realm of information technology.
One emerging development that we are seeing within blockchain architecture is the growing need to construct the optimal consensus algorithm.
It is the professional obligation of psychologists to continually seek knowledge and education, it is our professional obligation to stay abreast of current and emerging developments.
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