Sentences with phrase «emerging picture»

Throughout, though, emerges a picture not of what has been lost, but of what remains.
Niebuhr contends that, according to the newly emerging picture of the ministry, just as «institutional authority was central in the priest's office and Scriptural in the preacher's so communal authority becomes of greatest importance to the pastoral director».
Also starting Friday in Westwood: The Crest Theater, in association with Emerging Pictures, will present the 20th annual Rendez - Vous with French Cinema — a first - time look at some of France's most exciting modern cinema.
HONEY (Miele) Emerging Pictures Director: Valeria Golino Screenplay: Angela Del Fabbro Cast: Jasmine Trinca, Carlo Cecchi,...
Landry listens prayerfully and intently to a quiet that almost rings in his ears, a hush of eternity from which will emerge pictures of possibilities from the pericope.
Rather, Michelob Ultra looks to me like a data point in an emerging picture.
These finds add to an emerging picture of early Homo as an upright, relatively big - brained African crowd that included different species and body types.
The emerging picture — one of the most detailed looks yet beneath a volcano — includes a reservoir of magma between 5 and 12 kilometers below the surface and a second, even larger one, between 12 and 40 kilometers down.
The evidence contributes to the emerging picture that the Silk Road — which the Ottoman Empire closed off in the 15th century — was a highly three - dimensional network that not only traversed vast linear distances but also scaled tall mountains.
Discovering Ahuna Mons» icy identity, as reported in Science in September, adds to an emerging picture of Ceres as a geologically active and watery world.
All this adds to the still - emerging picture of our solar system as a dynamic place of continual upheaval, not a static and placid domain as imagined by many scientists in the past.
The emerging picture that denotes «girlness» or «boyness» reveals the involvement of complex gene networks — and the entire process appears to extend far beyond a specific moment six weeks after gestation when the gonads begin to form.
The emerging picture from this study and others is of a brain built of multi-part circuits that respond in concert and regulate one another.
The research, published in Nature, adds to an emerging picture that connects intestinal microbes and disorders of the nervous system.
Furthermore, an emerging picture has begun to reveal an intricate cross talk between innate and adaptive immune cells that may participate in the promotion of malignant disease.
The emerging picture, Hollis says, is that people aren't getting even the current RDI of vitamin D for a variety of reasons — where they live, how much time they typically spend outdoors, their skin pigmentation, and, perhaps, their weight.
If the original claims are substantiated and the emerging picture of the universe's beginning is upheld, what would that mean?
The emerging picture is of two different strategies to cope with a second language.
«This current study confirms the emerging picture that host - pathogen systems are complex and can respond to management in unexpected ways,» says Woodroffe, who was not involved in the study.
«This discovery fits nicely with the emerging picture of very recent activity in Venus» geologic history,» he said.
«This important study not only adds more genetic risk factors to the list of those known for testicular germ cell tumours — the most common cancer in young men — but also adds detail to the emerging picture of testicular cancer as a strongly heritable disease.
But the emerging picture is far more complicated than had been expected, and the ancestor's features remain ill - defined though not wholly elusive.
«We only did four of the compounds because they were so computationally expensive, and the emerging picture was clear enough,» Yakobson said.
The latter situation resembles the emerging picture from genome - wide association studies in humans, laboratory animals, and outcrossed domesticated plants such as maize [10], [11].
The emerging picture, he says, is one of «winners and losers», with some corals succeeding at the expense of others.
The emerging picture is that senescent CD8 (+) T cells may modulate both immune and non-immune functions, contributing not only to reduced anti-viral immunity but also to diverse age - related pathologies.
Production: An Emerging Pictures release of a Meritage Pictures presentation in association with Toll Free Pix of a film by Jacob Cooney.
«There is an emerging picture about the possible additional risks that may be associated with asbestos incorporated into system - built schools.
There is also an emerging picture of where such schools are likely to be - with by far the largest concentration in London and the south east, with particular interest in west and south - west London.
Common Core State Standards Part 8: The Emerging Picture of Natural Learning, and the Implications for Dealing with the Common Core State Standards
Maugeri offers a field by field analysis of investments in oil production that provides detailed support for the emerging picture of an oil boom conveyed in recent reports in The Times, including Jad Mouawad's article «Fuel to Burn: Now What?»
(28) + The emerging picture of severe instability was reinforced by studies of cores drilled from the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps, and by deep - sea cores that covered much longer times.
In conclusion, the new Samanta et al. study lends further weight to the emerging picture of the impact of the 2005 drought: that tree growth was relatively unaffected, but tree mortality increased, contributing temporarily to accelerating the rate of climate change, rather than as usual reducing it, via additions of carbon to the atmosphere from the dead trees.
The emerging picture also shows us that we should distinguish between size and profits.
While a thorough review of this research is beyond the scope of this paper, the emerging picture is that these structural and functional changes as a result of CSA may make the individual more vulnerable to later stress and affect their ability to cope with this stress.
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