Sentences with phrase «emerging problem»

The text stresses the development of new projects and applications to solve emerging problems.
Your vet can spot emerging problems before they become more serious.
A small sample of comparison boys with emerging problems also were living in more dysfunctional families and their mothers reported using more negative discipline at age 9 years.
Overfishing is often blamed, but a great deal more is involved, including inherent problems in fisheries management and emerging problems of environmental changes of many kinds.
«SESYNC is a leader in bringing together scholars to address emerging problems — such as issues around marine protected areas and conservation — through new interdisciplinary research partnerships to improve understanding,» said Margaret Palmer, Director of SESYNC and a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland.
It delves into advanced and contentious issues and endeavors to spur discussions on emerging problems.
There has also been talk of emerging problems such as patent «thickets,» where patents are bundled in a way that creates obstacles and uncertainty, and the predatory behaviour of non-practising entities that purchase patents to monetize them through lawsuits.
(The idea was to give flexibility to address newly emerging problems.)
Water scarcity is a huge emerging problem for the world, and we must operate power plants without water cooling to preserve and create this precious resource.
How ensnared they get with Lords reform and other emerging problems is hard to predict.
«Britain's welfare reforms have been undermined by a series of «missteps» with officials in denial over emerging problems, says the man overseeing the introduction of Universal Credit.
That means that slowly emerging problems — think sprawl, think the millions of gas - station drips that add up to 1.5 Exxon Valdez tankers a year, and definitely think global warming — often fail to get the space that they probably deserve.
Highly trained and experienced Aircraft Service Technician, possessing good technical skills, able to solve any possible emerging problem, also good communicator in order to build good relationships with the rest of the staff and also to understand the problems that have been observed by the co-workers.
Monitored fluid intake and output to detect emerging problems such as fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
Parenting contributors to early emerging problem behaviour in children of mothers in methadone maintenance treatment.
These communities mentor new hires, disseminate processes and best practices to a large group, solve emerging problems, and engage in continuous improvement initiatives.
Now let's find an emerging problem of immense proportions for millions of businesses on a daily basis that is begging for a solution.
She adds: «Unfortunately, there are n`t many role models for some of the emerging problems our families face in society, like becoming a stepparent, raising kids alone after divorce.
Muddling through the crisis without taking action will exacerbate mistrust and divergences between member states, because rather than trying to look for European solutions to emerging problems, member states will increasingly try to solve problems on their own or within a non-European framework.
When group members have literally learned not to learn, errors are no longer apparent and the systematic response to emerging problems is a reckless decision to press on in the wrong direction.
This information has proven critical in addressing the emerging problem of ships striking blue whales, and has informed the management of ship traffic to and from the busy ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to mitigate this problem.
Such challenges of diverging perceptions are exacerbated in emerging problem - driven disciplines, which are fundamentally affected by researchers» values.
In a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine, three former EPA officials write that «research funding and scientific capacity related to the environment should be enhanced, not reduced, to enable us to grapple with ongoing and emerging problems».
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was founded 25 years ago to provide authoritative assessments on the emerging problem of climate change.
Furthermore not all antifungal drugs kill all types of fungi and drug - resistance is an emerging problem.
The new epidemic «reminds us that... an emerging problem in one part of the world will soon be a problem for all of us,» said Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta.
The research, titled «Road salt and organic additives affect mosquito growth and survival: an emerging problem in wetlands,» can be found at doi: 10.1111 / oik.04837
Gluten sensitivity is an emerging problem among American & Europeans.
Two years into the law's implementation may be too soon to draw definitive conclusions, but this collection of essays, prepared under the direction of two of the editors of this journal, hints at a number of emerging problems: Choice is too limited, mechanisms to enforce compliance are lacking, and parents are not yet well informed.
In a common sign of the emerging problem, districts throughout the state have been hiring more teachers with provisional intern credentials — that is, with significantly less training and experience than normally required.
More troubling for them at the time were two emerging problems — NASDC's precarious financial situation and concerns about the organization's survival following the defeat of George Bush by Bill Clinton in 1992.
Meaningful data analysis requires that data teams study multiple data sources to pinpoint student learning problems, find root causes for emerging problems, and launch a plan to tackle these problems.
When such students develop in an environment permeated by SEL concepts, emerging problems will never go ignored.
The question mark is really a question to us about the policies we'll put in place to address these emerging problems.
: — RRB - I agree too that the peace - of - mind is overrated; I think you can get more peace - of - mind spending less than 10 % of what you'd spend on a new car if you just pay a good mechanic to inspect your old car really well and keep up with any emerging problems before they become big problems.
Book Design Templates is a new program, website and tool created by Joel Friedlander to solve an emerging problem among indie authors — getting an industry - standard, good looking book that sells using a Word processing program.
I however, would like to remind people that with emerging markets there are always «emerging problems
Our goal in creating this web site is to create awareness of an emerging problem in veterinary medicine, not to elicit panic.
Emerging Problems An annual assessment of your cat's behavior will help identify newly emerging problems — perhaps before they become serious.
Finding those emerging problems in their earliest stages affords us the best chance of treatment or cure.
Early detection is one of the keys to maintaining good health, and annual or bi-annual pet wellness exams allow us to evaluate any changes that might indicate an emerging problem.
Other times your veterinarian may discover an emerging problem such as early kidney disease, elevated blood sugar or high blood pressure.
Our goal is to create awareness of an emerging problem in veterinary medicine.
All the emerging problems will be processed through the system of bug reports and promptly fixed.
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