Sentences with phrase «emerging value systems»

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If healthcare systems do emerge as key strategic investors, the number and value of M&A exits can only be expected to increase.
But he fails even to allude to the radical challenges to this which emerged in the 20th century from some Pragmatists and from Ludwig Wittgenstein, with their «collapse of the fact - value system», a view now prominent in contemporary philosophy of science.
The group was clear that no matter the context — mature market or emerging economy — for credibility the values of transparency, honesty, impact and relevance need to run through the entire system.
It came as a result of organic interaction of cultures and value systems and traditions fussed into one to make Biafra a possibility, that is how nations emerge.
But that won't happen without identifying some alternative to the P value system, and while many have been proposed, no candidate has emerged as an acceptable nominee for a majority of the scientific world's electorate.
«This useful contribution underlines the value of routine surveillance of Zika and other emerging viruses: we can learn a lot from genome sequencing but that can happen only if surveillance systems are in place to detect and sequence the viruses.
Pension costs have emerged as a major political issue in New York State, especially after the 2008 stock market crash that drove down pension fund values and raised the amount of contributions that school districts and other government entities had to pay into pension systems to keep them solvent.
-- The authors of The Privacy Engineer's ManifestoThe Privacy Engineer's Manifesto: Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value is the first book of its kind, offering industry - proven solutions that go beyond mere theory and adding lucid perspectives on the challenges and opportunities raised with the emerging «personal» information economy.The authors, a uniquely skilled team of longtime industry experts, detail how you can build privacy into products, processes, applications, and systems.
When you were regarding emerging markets back then, as in today, you had to do a macro analysis about the government, fiscal situation, monetary system, currency value, and industries.
«It also has the potential to accelerate the growth of Australia's emerging battery storage industry as consumers look for more value from their rooftop systems.
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