Sentences with phrase «emission quota»

Which makes the Carbon Cycle's services rivalrous, as no one person's emission quota can be used by another person for many lifetimes.
We have a total emission quota; if we keep going now, we will have to cut back more quickly later.
We estimate that the remaining emission quota to stay below two degrees Celsius requires China to reduce emissions at around 8 to 10 percent per year and this is, in many cases, greater than the mitigation challenge for the United States.
The arithmetic of the small remaining emission quota means that the more China emits, the less others can emit.
The contentious part of ETS would require airlines to purchase permits should they exceed predetermined annual emissions quotas.
Assuming agreement can be reached on emissions quotas, the next step will be achieving them.
It could then sell its extra permits to other polluting companies struggling to meet their emissions quota.
I think it is the strategy of the carmakers to fit engines that are within the new emission quotas to their best selling models as this greatly affects the overall emission quotas they are required to meet.
Dave (# 2): I appreciate your concerns over population growth but I can not agree that emissions quotas should be based on land area: not all land is created equal.
Kyoto's quantity - based approach assigning different binding emissions quotas to each nation has no focal point.
EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas has criticised the most recent National Allocation Plans proposed by member states for distribution of carbon permits, as they allocate even higher emissions quotas than actual emissions in the first phase of the scheme.
In the EU, emission quotas were so generous that it was difficult to finance CCS because the price of carbon was so low.
And that trillion dollar a year cost may end up being a trillion dollar a year transfer to the governments of developing countries for the purchase of their carbon emissions quotas.
Isn't this just the reason that the level of emissions quotas will decline through time?
If an emissions quota system is adopted, decisions will be needed on the relationship of the system to the carbon dioxide tax, and on the mechanism for allocating quotas.
The same EU also implements its own CO2 reduction policy (ETS and decreasing emission quotas), despite the protests from the industry and member states.

Not exact matches

They include: high levels of degraded soils; reductions in irrigation quotas to restore the health of the Murray - Darling system; the re-forestation of some agricultural land to meet emissions reductions targets; the impacts of peak oil, such as the diversion of food crops into feed - stock for biofuels; and the price and crop yield implications of peak phosphorous, given Australia's dependence on imported fertilisers.
Nine others have adopted California's zero - emission vehicle standard, which establishes a sales quota for EVs and hybrid plug - ins.
NEI spokesman John Keeley said reactors are closing because «we've got an unquestioned free market for electricity» and a system that's «a combination of quotas for some other emission - free sources, and a price for electricity regardless of whether the supply is clean or dependable.»
China's capital, Beijing, infamous for its thick smog and heavy traffic, will slash the city's new car sales quotas by almost 40 percent next year, as it looks to curb vehicle emissions and hazardous levels of pollution, the city government website said.
Developing countries insist they can only accept quotas based on population and suggest extending the Kyoto plans for emissions trading to smooth the transition.
«We found that with rapid growth in Chinese emissions and those «locked into» fossil - fuel based infrastructure, China has already exceeded its «quota» under population - based sharing,» said Andrew.
«Globally emissions would need sustained and unprecedented reductions of around 7 % / yr for a likely chance to stay within the quota,» said Peters.
If airlines get a large quota of emissions, the trading scheme will have little effect.
Michael R. Raupach, Steven J. Davis, Glen P. Peters, Robbie M. Andrew, Josep G. Canadell, Philippe Ciais, Pierre Friedlingstein, Frank Jotzo, Detlef P. van Vuuren and Corinnele Quéré, Sharing a quota on cumulative carbon emissions, Nature Climate Change, 4, 873 - 879 (2014), doi: 10.1038 / nclimate2384.
1ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!?? Renewable energy mandates (a.k.a. soviet style productions quotas) and «a cap» on carbon emissions (a.k.a. Soviet style energy rationing) ARE NOT «market signals»!!!! They are tools with which the government picks and chooses winners in the enrgy industry.
The concept is that every human being on this planet has the right to emit the same amount of carbon dioxide; therefore, citizens of developing nations would be given the same quota for emissions as citizens in industrialized nations.
Emission quota - The portion of total allowable emissions assigned to a country or group of countries within a framework of maximum total emissions.
The Bureau also outlined its plans for enterprises that discharge 50 per cent fewer pollutants than the emission provision to be charged half of the benchmark price, whilst those that emit above the quota will be charged double.
Globally, Greenpeace is pushing for wildfire emissions to be recognised in national carbon quotas and climate conservation plans — and for countries in rainforest and Boreal regions, including Russia, to take immediate action to limit fires within their borders.
For years economists have been showing that when uncertainty exists over the costs of reducing emissions of a pollutant like C02 it is better to use a tax than a quota.
In this case the cost of reducing emissions was estimated to be to high because it was chosen before a recession, but what if suddenly a new quota was set now?
Our state should be working to increase the percentage of energy we get from wind, and considering California's energy mandate of 50 percent renewables by 2030 and rising zero - emission - vehicle quotas, New Mexico should be ramping up its wind export capabilities.
That is the inevitable consequence — and completely in the spirit — of doing things like creating tradable commodities out of immaterial objects, such as emissions - trading quotas.
Next comes the work, no less slow and difficult, of devising mechanisms to put decisions into practice — for example, ways to measure national emissions and processes to adjudicate quotas.
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