Sentences with phrase «emissions estimated by»

The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) carbon assessment published in 2009 highlighted the disparity in methane emissions estimated by extrapolating data from wetlands, lakes, and coastal waters underlain by permafrost (32 to 112 Tg CH4 yr - 1) and estimates based on spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric methane concentrations (15 to 50 Tg CH4 yr - 1).
Aggregate methane emission estimates by the major oil and natural gas sectors in the United States are presented in the chart below.

Not exact matches

After holding steady for the past three years, global carbon emissions rose in 2017 by an estimated 2 %.
Mascarenhas estimates that applying her company's technology to the methane that's currently vented or flared could reduce Alberta's GHG emissions by 60 megatonnes — 35 % of Canada's 2020 reduction goal — at a cost of less than $ 1.70 per tonne.
For example, he signed and sent a letter as Oklahoma Attorney General criticizing EPA estimates of emissions from oil and gas wells, without disclosing that it had been drafted in its entirety by Devon Energy.
On May 3rd the provincial government released its estimate of emissions released by its major industrial facilities in 2010.
C40 cites a recent report by the New Climate Economy, a research organization, which estimates there is a $ 17 trillion opportunity worldwide by 2050 from investments in smarter, low - emission cities.
A new voluntary star rating scheme to estimate the greenhouse emissions of buildings has been proposed for WA by the Office of Energy.
An article published this week in Nature Climate Change (article via Nature paywall) is making the rounds of the headlines because it makes some pretty bold claims — namely that the US State Department under - estimated the emissions impact of the Keystone XL pipeline by up to a factor of four.
We believe methodologies used by some other retailers are more robust — for example, Marks and Spencer uses 50 % primary data for its upstream transportation and distribution emissions estimate.
NEC collected or estimated megawatt hour («MWh») generation data for each portfolio project and used region - specific eGRID emissions factors maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to determine the greenhouse gas («GHG») intensity of each MWh offset by its investments.
Global emissions of carbon dioxide from the use of fossil fuels are estimated to have to be reduced by 75 to 80 per cent.
It's estimated that the initiative will reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 1.91 million kilograms over the next two decades.
So for the first time ever, we have estimated corporate emissions from livestock, using the most comprehensive methodology created to date by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
«We have estimated corporate emissions from livestock, using the most comprehensive methodology created to date by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),» the organizations said.
«Without detailed information from these companies explaining how they arrived at their estimated emissions factors, it is not possible for us to assess why the emissions factors they use are so much lower than those determined by the FAO.»
Similarly, Fonterra said GRAIN's average emissions factor estimate is more than double the amount used by the New Zealand dairy industry.
The global dairy sector contributes 4 % to global GHG emissions with an estimated 2.7 % coming from global milk production, processing, and transportation, according to a report conducted by the FAO in 2007.
«Food that is ultimately lost or wasted consumes about a quarter of all water used by agriculture, requires cropland area the size of China, and is responsible for an estimated 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
The Climate Collaborative estimates that greenhouse gas emissions from global freight movement are expected to quadruple by 2050.
Just by changing the way we farm, by stopping deep tilling, mono - cropping, and chemical fertilizer use — the Climate Collaborative estimates regenerative carbon farming practices could mitigate as much as 4 billion to 6 billion tons of CO2 equivalents a year or 10 percent to 12 percent of global human - caused emissions.
«Food that is ultimately lost or wasted consumes about a quarter of all water used by agriculture, requires cropland area the size of China, and is responsible for an estimated 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
More accurate distances between the most common type of «planetary nebulae» and the Earth can be estimated simply with three sets of data: firstly, the size of the object on the sky taken from the latest high resolution surveys; secondly, an accurate measurement of how bright the object is in the red hydrogen - alpha emission line; and thirdly, an estimate of the dimming toward the nebula caused by so called interstellar - reddening.
In this study, we created new per - animal emissions factors — that is measures of the average amount of CH4 discharged by animals into the atmosphere — and new estimates of global livestock methane emissions
Even the most optimistic estimates of the effects of contemporary fossil fuel use suggest that mean global temperature will rise by a minimum of 2 °C before the end of this century and that CO2 emissions will affect climate for tens of thousands of years.
And the gamma - ray emission from FRB 131104 outshines its radio emissions by more than a billion times, dramatically raising estimates of the burst's energy requirements and suggesting severe consequences for the burst's surroundings and host galaxy.
The estimates presented in this study are also 15 % larger than global estimates provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only slightly smaller than estimates provided by the EPA for the US, 4 % larger than EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research) global estimates, 3 % larger than EDGAR estimates for US and 54 % larger than EDGAR estimates for the state of California.
A new report explores the feasibility of using ground monitoring stations, aircraft and satellites to measure CO2, as well as methods to estimate emissions by monitoring a country's energy infrastructure
In a project sponsored by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Carbon Monitoring System research initiative, researchers from the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) found that global livestock methane (CH4) emissions for 2011 are 11 % higher than the estimates based on guidelines provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2006.
Loftness estimates that infill development could cut greenhouse - gas emissions by 240 million metric tons.
EDF's Hamburg said a study sponsored by his group is currently looking at this very issue and is conducting both bottom - up and top - down estimates of emissions in the same location and trying to reconcile them.
In a further setback to reducing U.S. carbon emissions, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency has proposed lowering the U.S. government's «social cost» of carbon, or the estimated cost of sea - level rise, lower crop yields, and other climate - change related economic damages, from $ 42 per ton by 2020 to a low of $ 1 per ton.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the use of landfill - gas - to - energy projects reduces greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of taking 16 million passenger cars off the road.
Barnard and his team predicted how SoCal's shores would evolve from 2010 through 2100 by modeling the factors that influence beaches — estimates for sea level rise as well as wave and storm behavior and predicted climate change patterns if the world eventually stabilizes its greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, then starts reducing them.
Researchers have shown that observations by Earth - orbiting instruments can be used to estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from individual power plants.
Ultimately, the EPA estimates that the rules will reduce CO2 emissions by nearly one billion metric tons, or roughly equivalent to taking 30 million cars and light trucks off the roads.
The International Energy Agency estimated last year that both the decline in China's coal use and falling electricity demand reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 percent in 2014, leading to a 0.2 percent reduction in global emissions.
If diesel vehicles account for 30 per cent of the PM10 emissions from all sources (as suggested by a recent report for the Department of the Environment), then the adviser's estimate makes some sense.
The new estimates, which are based on an integrated modeling framework that combines information about population, economics, and land use and land productivity, show that Europe could potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use by more than 60 % by 2050.
By the energy office's estimates, the island has also reduced nitrous oxide emissions by 41 percent, cut sulfuric oxide emissions by 71 percent, and eliminated more than its share of carbon dioxide emissionBy the energy office's estimates, the island has also reduced nitrous oxide emissions by 41 percent, cut sulfuric oxide emissions by 71 percent, and eliminated more than its share of carbon dioxide emissionby 41 percent, cut sulfuric oxide emissions by 71 percent, and eliminated more than its share of carbon dioxide emissionby 71 percent, and eliminated more than its share of carbon dioxide emissions.
In his new paper, Lovejoy applies the same approach to the 15 - year period after 1998, during which globally averaged temperatures remained high by historical standards, but were somewhat below most predictions generated by the complex computer models used by scientists to estimate the effects of greenhouse - gas emissions.
The UAH team estimated lightning nitric oxide (NO) emissions based on NLDN observations, measured the resulting ozone created by the lightning downwind of the storms, where clear conditions allowed Lidar to function and quantified the ozone enhancements due to lightning.
They've been hampered by limited carbon dioxide measurements in cornfields, by the fact that annual carbon losses are comparatively small and difficult to measure, and the lack of a proven model to estimate carbon dioxide emissions that could be coupled with a geospatial analysis.
The researchers» estimate of annual emissions from wells undergoing completion, 18,000 tons per year, is also roughly 97 % less than the estimate given in 2011 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Although the country ranks among the top 20 percent most efficient in the world in terms of emissions intensity by the intergovernmental organization International Energy Agency, its total greenhouse gas emissions jumped by 74 percent from 1990 to 2012, according to the estimates of D.C. - based think tank World Resources Institute.
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center estimates that the turbines will reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2.4 million tons.
About a third of the factors used to estimate pipeline leaks and other natural gas emissions in the most recent inventory, for 2015, are based on a 1996 study by the EPA and an industry group then known as the Gas Research Institute.
To hit the 2 - degree C mark, Sanderson estimates global emissions would have to peak in the next decade, decline to zero by 2060 — 70, then go negative.
The study applied «medium to high» future emissions estimates of heat - trapping gases, as assumed by the California state government, to models designed to assess what effect climate change would have on national parks like Yosemite, Death Valley, Redwood, Joshua Tree and Sequoia.
On July 6, Lazzati's team of theorists had published a paper predicting that, contrary to earlier estimates by the astrophysics community, short gamma - ray bursts associated with the gravitational emission of binary neutron star coalescence could be detected — whether or not the gamma - ray burst was pointing at Earth.
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