Sentences with word «emissivity»

Emissivity refers to a material's ability to emit or release heat energy in the form of infrared radiation. A high emissivity means the material can easily emit heat energy, while a low emissivity indicates that the material retains heat well. Full definition
«The new definition of effective emissivity of non-isothermal rough surface and its approximate expression for continuous canopy vegetation» Chen IEEE explore
The real GHE must be reduction of surface emissivity by GHGs turning off that emission.
Calculated Aa, Ed / Aa, Su / Eu, Su / OLR, all with emissivity = 1, are in columns M to P.
The high emissivity of CO2 in the IR actually contributes to our radiative equilibrium temperature being another 20K or more lower than that but I'll wait until somebody is interested in implementing the computations in CoSy or puts a table, not a graph, of an actual measured mean spectrum in my lap.
Set emissivity set to 1, a BB, then q = Q and p = σT ^ 4.
In an atmosphere there is backradiation contributing to the incident T on the absorptivity of the surface; however this incident T from backradiation is in fact from the surface; in this circumstance calculating emissivity from the surface is a measure of the backradiation returning as absorptivity incident T.
The value of tau (optical depth) and Ed / Eu do not depend on emissivity.
Because absorptivity equals emissivity at any wavelength, we know that H2O and CO2 are absorbing the surface emissions at these wavelengths.
Accounting for the difference in emissivity across solar spectrum (where absorption occurs) and terrestrial spectrum (where emission occurs) brings the temperature down to -18.3 C.
High infrared emissivity is the key to the infrared benefits!
Ceramic has a very high emissivity rating, meaning it produces a lot of infrared heat.
Let the top layer be a gray body with emissivity e and suppose it also absorbs a fraction f of the incoming solar radiation.
It isn't possible using anything remotely like an atmospheric emissivity profile to get Flux ∝ T. (The proof of this is left as an exercise for the interested student).
Prigent, C., F. Aires, and W.B. Rossow, 2006: Land surface microwave emissivities over the globe for a decade.
This study used variations in the thermal emissivity of the surface observed by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer on the European Space Agency's Venus Express spacecraft to identify compositional differences in lava flows at three hotspots.
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