Sentences with phrase «emits radio»

New Pokemon were also introduced: Dedenne, an Electric - and Fairy - type that emits radio waves from its antenna - shaped whiskers; Bunnelby, a Normal - type that somehow uses its large ears to dig and as weapons; and Skiddo, a Grass - type that evolves into Gogoat and can carry people on its back.
Some of this follow - up research will most likely «point a massive radio dish at the unusual star, to see if it emits radio waves at frequencies associated with technological activity.»
Four decades ago astronomy historian F. Richard Stephenson provided a crucial clue when he linked the 1181 blast to 3C 58, a nebula in Cassiopeia that emits radio waves.
When a reader unit emits radio waves, every tag in the area responds by retransmitting the signal with a superimposed identification code.
This spinning star emits radio waves, which get rotated by the hole's magnetic field (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature12499).
«Why space dust emits radio waves upon crashing into a spacecraft: A new simulation provides the first mechanism to explain why plasma from hypervelocity impacts generates electromagnetic radiation.»
CH3OH is normally produced on the surface of dust, but when the temperature increases by some process, it will be released from the dust surface and turn into gas which emits radio waves.
The magnetar emits radio waves, and the shell makes them rotate.
The main concern people have about cell phones is that they emit radio - frequency (RF) energy, a type of radiation.
Those Singing Stars... Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch.
The galaxy is full of objects that emit radio waves, including black holes and stars of various kinds [5]
At the center of the controversy are two blobs about 450 light - years apart that emit radio waves — light at the low - frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
18 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines generate a field 60,000 times as intense as the earth's to vibrate the hydrogen atoms in your body; in response, the atoms emit radio waves that are analyzed to produce a map of your insides.
Out in space, their chemical bonds spin and flex enough to emit radio waves we can detect.
Still, detecting the faint dip was a challenge: Other cosmic sources, such as the Milky Way, emit radio waves at much higher levels, which must be accounted for.
«Long term and frequent use of cell phones which receive and emit radio frequency may be associated with an increased risk of brain tumors,» Herberman told lawmakers.
These chips emit radio waves that the researchers can use to track the penguins» movements.
Just as the quartz crystal in a Swiss watch keeps time by vibrating at a steady frequency (about 32,000 cycles per second), the maser coaxes a supply of specially selected hydrogen atoms to emit radio waves at an unwavering 1.42 billion cycles per second.
When electrons and protons travel through Jupiter's magnetic field, it makes them spiral like a repetitive roller coaster, which causes them to scream (or, more scientifically, emit radio waves).
Pulsars, aka spinning neutron stars, normally emit radio pulses like clockwork.
The scopes picked out thousands of these silicon monoxide clouds, which they liken to lasers because they emit radio waves as bright pinpoints.
The Mini-Helicon Plasma Thruster has only three basic parts: a tube holding compressed nitrogen; an antenna (a Coca - Cola can in the most recent prototype) emitting radio waves that ionize the gas; and magnets guiding the plasma.
«We worked with the hypothesis that a population of high - energy electrons already existed and would need only one last «push» to start emitting radio waves.
The discovery suggests that M22 hosts yet more black holes, because black holes without stellar partners wouldn't emit radio waves.
Before hitting the atmosphere, charged particles also emit radio waves into space.
The electric fences corralling the animals emit radio waves that interfere with SETI work more than cellphones do.
«It clearly had become time to make a systematic study and try to find out just what percentage of brown dwarfs are emitting radio waves,» said Rachel Osten, an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Charlottesville, Virginia.
To this end, Lovell first constructed a transit telescope 218 feet in diameter in 1947 which made the first detection of radio waves from the Andromeda galaxy and proved that astronomical objects from outside of our own galaxy emitted radio waves and could be detected.
Operating at a wavelength of 2 centimetres, it was used to study galactic and extragalactic objects that emit radio waves, such as quasars.
Astronomers have discovered three brown dwarfs — enigmatic objects that are neither stars nor planets — emitting radio waves that scientists can not explain.
A dusty disk like that in TW Hydrae tends to emit radio waves with wavelengths similar to the size of the particles in the disk.
Because the molecules emit radio waves at specific frequencies, shifts in those frequencies caused by motions (called Doppler Shift) can be measured, revealing the direction in which the gas is moving relative to Earth.
Many such objects contain detectable amounts of molecules that emit radio radiation at wavelengths that allow them to be identified and analyzed.
The team interpreted this to mean that water molecules in the jet from Source I are emitting the radio maser.
Their nuclei emit jets of high - velocity gas (near the speed of light) above and below the galaxy — the jets interact with magnetic fields and emit radio signals.
Astronomers believe that these are spinning neutron stars (extremely dense objects formed from the collapse of massive stars) with strong magnetic fields that emit radio signals in one direction.
The astronomers expect material falling onto a black hole to emit radio waves, among other types of radiation.
Jump to the near future, where humans have discovered a monolith on the moon, which is emitting radio signals to somewhere around Jupiter.
Not just very cold objects emit radio - a warmer human body would also emit radio photons, naturally.
The magnetic force coordinates the precessions of protons in hemoglobin and other bodily stuffs to make them emit radio signals strong enough for the equipment to respond to.
For this reason, the FCC must be able to check all covered equipment that have the potential to emit radio frequencies.

Not exact matches

Phones aren't chemicals, so they're not on the official Prop 65 list, but the California Department of Health still warns that the radio frequency energy they emit might cause cancer.
Colt was a pioneer of this technology in the 1990s, when it built a prototype that would only fire when the user was wearing a ring emitting a certain radio frequency.
So it may seem scary that the California Department of Public Health has issued guidelines to help people «decrease their exposure to the radio frequency energy emitted from cell phones.»
Cohen has worked on an alternative system that would use live data on lightning strikes and the radio waves they emit to build a more resilient navigation system for the military that would be much more difficult to disrupt.
You can purchase a white noise machine, but you can also use any safe machine that emits a steady, low noise, like a fan, washing machine, radio set to static, cool mist humidifier or even a smartphone app.
Instead of emitting the typical sounds of water lapping, radio fuzz or softly chirping birds, it projects a rhythmic human - made sound, like a rustle that ebbs and flows.
And then there are those that say monitors emit EMF radio waves which may cause health concerns.
A report on the dangers of smart meters prepared for the Vermont Department of Public Service says the radio frequency fields associated with the devices emit only a small fraction of the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission.
When the atom drops from the higher to the lower energy state, it emits a photon, or light particle, in the form of a radio wave 21 centimeters long.
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