Sentences with phrase «emitted by our coal plants»

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by our coal plants?
In contrast, the CO2 emissions emitted by a coal plant represents a cumulative contribution to the atmospheric stock of carbon.

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Essentially, sulfur dioxide gets emitted near the surface, either by a coal - fired power plant's smokestack or a volcano.
The sentence marked with an asterisk was changed from «In fact, fly ash — a by - product from burning coal for power — and other coal waste contains up to 100 times more radiation than nuclear waste» to «In fact, the fly ash emitted by a power plant — a by - product from burning coal for electricity — carries into the surrounding environment 100 times more radiation than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy.»
Most electricity in the United States is generated at power plants that run on coal and natural gas — fossil fuels that contribute significantly to global warming by emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Another study, published last year in Reviews of Geophysics, lists the man - made aerosols as coming from sulfates, nitrate and black carbon emitted by internal combustion engines, coal - fired power plants, slash - and - burn agricultural practices, and smoke from cooking.
By their estimations, coal - fired power plants coming online since the turn of the millennium will emit more CO2 than all other human coal burning has since the dawn of the industrial age: 660 billion metric tons over their 50 - year lifetime versus 524 billion metric tons between 1751 and 2000.
That sulfur dioxide market, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has reduced sulfur dioxide levels by 40 percent since 1992 by allowing companies to buy and sell the right to emit the acid - rain forming pollution from coal - burning plants, which has increased the acidity of lake waters throughout the region.
It is unlikely that all of the CO2 emitted in the U.S. could ever be captured and transported — whether by pipeline or tanker — to the west coast for injection, but local coal - fired power plants might be able to take advantage of the formation.
The results might not have immediate repercussions — nitrogen trifluoride currently adds 0.04 percent of the global warming effect created by carbon dioxide emitted from sources such as coal - burning power plants and cars.
I criticized this statement, noting that the actual emissions from U.S. coal - burning power plants declined only from 16.1 million tons to 12.4 million tons between 1980 and 1998 in the case of sulfur dioxide and from 6.1 million tons to 5.4 million tons between 1980 and 1998 in the case of nitrogen oxides (mostly emitted as NO, not NO2, but by convention measured as tons of NO2 - equivalent).
Study lead author Michael Raupach, GCP co-chair and atmospheric physicist at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, says it will take economic, policy and social changes to reverse the trend, such as capturing the CO2 emitted by coal - fired power plants and increased international cooperation.
Both are pollutants, but the first is dominated by sulphate emissions from coal burning power plants, the second from ozone precursors such as NOx, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide mainly emitted from vehicles.
Fine particles emitted by vehicles (especially diesel - powered ones), coal - fired power plants, and burning wood can penetrate deep into the lungs, while car exhaust, heat, and sunlight contribute to high ozone levels.
First, given the events of the past weeks in financial markets, I'm not sure how these groups intend to build confidence in a market trading a ton of carbon that is avoided by protecting a forest acre in, say, Borneo, for a ton emitted by a coal - burning power plant in Boston.
Andy points to the erstwhile dilemma posed by mercury - thanks to the Times interminable editorializing about the tons of quicksilver emitted by coal fired power plants several states upwind, many Manhattanites fear Minimata Disease should they crack open a window.
Rudolph W. Giuliani called for moving from energy rhetoric to action, using the popular Republican phrasing «clean coal,» a phrase with no meaning in the climate context until someone comes up with a cheap way to capture and store carbon dioxide emitted by power plants on the scale of billions of tons a year.
Among other initiatives, we're proud to have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions intensity by more than 30 % since 1990; to be the initial developer of a supercritical coal plant that will emit 15 % lower carbon dioxide than existing plants; to be a founding member of the FutureGen Alliance; to be a part of Australia's low - carbon Coal 21 program; and to be the only non-Chinese partner in China's zero - emissions GreenGen projcoal plant that will emit 15 % lower carbon dioxide than existing plants; to be a founding member of the FutureGen Alliance; to be a part of Australia's low - carbon Coal 21 program; and to be the only non-Chinese partner in China's zero - emissions GreenGen projCoal 21 program; and to be the only non-Chinese partner in China's zero - emissions GreenGen project.
At a plausible GHG emissions price of $ 50 / t CO2eq under a future US carbon mitigation policy, such co-production systems competing as power suppliers would be able to provide low - GHG - emitting synthetic fuels at the same unit cost as for coal synfuels characterized by ten times the GHG emission rate that are produced in plants having three times the synfuel output capacity and requiring twice the total capital investment.
In addition, closer to New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie and Commissioner Martin have called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to expedite action to reduce pollutants emitted by the Portland Generating Station, a coal - fired power plant operated by RRI Energy in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, directly across the Delaware River from Knowlton, New Jersey.
China's biggest cities are choking on smog and air pollution emitted by nearby coal plants, and residents are fed up....
Last year, he sued to block a rule restricting how much mercury could be emitted into the air by coal plants.
Colorado's coal - and natural gas - fired power plants harm public health by emitting smog - forming pollution.
New and refurbished coal - fired power plants will not be eligible for funding unless they emit less than 550 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt - hour (gCO2 / kW), which could be met either by a combined heat and power plant or one that also burns biomass.
EPA did relax the CCS requirement, but did so simply by requiring less of coal plants» emitted carbon to be captured.
The most energy - intensive type of PV cell to make — the monocrystalline silicate cells — only emits 1.8 ounces of global warming pollution per kilowatt hour, compared to 2.2 pounds by a coal - fired power plant.
In our scenario, the remaining coal plants in 2030 are expected to emit 165 Mt.. This means that Germany will overshoot its abatement target by 85 Mt in 2030, reaching a 62 percent reduction instead of the 55 percent that is decided politically.
In the years prior to 1985, several publications reported the scientific consensus that acid rain emitted by coal - fired electricity generation plants belching sulfur dioxide was destroying vast swathes of forests and lakes in the eastern United States.
But to capture from the air the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by, say, a 1,000 - megawatt coal power plant, it would require air - sucking machinery about 30 feet in height and 18 miles in length, according to a study by the American Physical Society, as well as huge collection facilities and a network of equipment to transport and store the waste underground.
«A power plant burning wood chips will typically emit one and a half times the carbon dioxide of a plant burning coal and at least three times the carbon dioxide emitted by a power plant burning natural gas.
The researchers found that wood pellets burned in European and UK power plants, such as the Drax facility in North Yorkshire — which has transitioned some of its coal power generation capacity to wood pellets with the support of UK government subsidies — actually emit more CO2 per kilowatt hour than that generated by coal.
The air and water pollution emitted by coal and natural gas plants is linked with breathing problems, neurological damage, heart attacks, cancer, premature death, and a host of other serious problems.
David Cameron, the leader of the conservative party and possibly the next primer minister of the UK, said today that a Conservative government would put a tax on the carbon emitted by coal and natural gas power plants.
That sulfur dioxide market, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has reduced sulfur dioxide levels by 40 percent since 1992 by allowing companies to buy and sell the right to emit the acid - rain forming pollution from coal - burning plants, which has increased the acidity of lake waters throughout the region.
Hence in this latter comparison, which primarily compares the effect of the CO2 and CH4 emitted by these two sectors (and hence the leak rate threshold decreases with a nearer - term perspective), even very small leak rates would make the mean natural gas plant as environmentally damaging as coal.
The EPA estimates that its rule will reduce by 90 percent the amount of mercury emitted by coal - fired power plants, the nation's largest source of mercury pollution.
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