Sentences with phrase «emitting body»

When the shape of the emitting body is not perfectly regular, more heat is emitted from some regions than others.
According to astronomers working with the Spitzer Space Telescope, a thick belt of dust (that is probably being generated by collisions between Edgeworth - Kuiper - Belt - type, icy objects) lies some 96 ± 5 to 195 ± 10 AUs out from the star, assuming that the emitting bodies are black bodies (Bryden et al, 2009; Tanner et al, 2009, see HD 115617; and Vogt et al, 2009).
Emitted radiation is proportional only to the temperature of the emitting body.
If the temperature of the source radiation for which we need to know the absorptivity is different from the temperature of the emitting body then we can not assume that emissivity = absorptivity.
However, when the temperature of source body for the radiation being absorbed is within a few Kelvin of the emitting body then to a quite accurate assumption, absorptivity = emissivity.
Your survival blanket reflecting 90 % is not an issue, the notion an emitting body will absorb 90 % of it's own reflected radiation is ridiculous.
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